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spotlight on superf ds: CHOCOLATE

        What’s better than a chocolate Easter   There’s even more good news. A 3.5-ounce bar   will thank you.
        bunny? Sure, jellybeans have fun fl avors, but   of dark chocolate also has essential minerals   Not sure about dark chocolate’s bold, bitter
        nothing feels as comforting or as delicious   like fi ber, copper, iron, magnesium, and   flavor?  Start with a 70% cocoa bar. It’s a nice

        as chocolate. And here’s the sweet bonus:   manganese.  But  remember,  chocolate  is  a   balance of sweetness and richness, and as you
        unlike jellybeans, which are mostly sugar,   sugary treat, so enjoy it in moderation.   get used to it, you’ll discover layers of fl avor.
        dye, and artifi cial fl avor, chocolate has some   Here’s the scoop on milk and dark chocolate:
        health benefi ts.                                                          Special occasions call for special treats, so bite
                                             Milk chocolate has between 10% and 50%   o  some chocolate bunny ears. Savor the fl avor

        Chocolate is made from cocoa, sugar, milk,   cocoa solids, more sugar, and a sweeter taste.  and enjoy knowing your treat comes with some
        and fat. Cocoa, the beans for a plant, is a rich                          surprising benefi ts.
        source of nutrients. Cocoa contains special   Dark chocolate has between 50%  and 90%
        compounds like fl avanols and antioxidants   cocoa solids, less sugar, and richer fl avors  Source:
        that can:                            Both contain cocoa, so both types o er some

        • Support heart health               nutritional benefi ts. Dark chocolate has more   the-news/dark-chocolate-health-fl avonoids/
                                             cocoa, which means more of those good-for-
        • Protect your skin from the sun
                                             you nutrients. If you are picking treats, go for
        • Boost your mood                    the dark chocolate- your body and taste buds

        National Nutrition Month 2025: "FOOD CONNECTS US"
        Each March, National Nutrition Month   but also our relationships and our sense of
        serves as a time to refl ect on the importance   belonging. It reminds us that sharing a meal
        of healthy eating and its role in overall well-  can be a form of communication, bridging

        being. This year’s theme from the Academy   di erences and creating understanding.
        of Nutrition & Dietetics, "Food Connects   The theme also calls attention to the diverse
        Us," highlights the powerful ways food   ways in which people access and prepare
        brings people together—across cultures,   food. Whether through family recipes,
        communities, and even generations.
                                             local food systems, or international cuisine,
        Food has long played a role in fostering   food refl ects individuals' and communities'
        relationships  and bridging gaps  between   unique stories and identities. It’s a reminder
        people. Food can uniquely unite us, whether   that eating well is not just about individual
        it’s the comfort of a shared meal with loved   health but about supporting collective well-
        ones, the  excitement  of discovering  a  new   being.
        cuisine, or the camaraderie of a community   This March, take time to consider how food
        event.  Across generations and cultures,   connects you to others. Perhaps it’s the
        sharing a meal is a powerful reminder of   comfort of a recipe passed down through
        our shared humanity.  These moments   generations or the discovery of a new favorite
        go beyond sustenance – they become   dish that sparks a meaningful conversation.
        memories, traditions, and experiences that   By celebrating the ways food enriches our
        shape who we are.                    lives, we can foster stronger relationships,
        In our increasingly fast-paced world, we   embrace diversity, and support the health of
        often overlook the social and emotional   our communities.
        aspects of eating. National Nutrition Month   Source:
        2025 invites us to slow down and appreciate
        how food nourishes not just our bodies,   month
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