Page 8 - BrockCoNewsletter-MarApr2025
P. 8

Dietitian Corner: SMOOTHIES

        Smoothies are often praised as a quick,   •  Fiber  Isn’t  A  Given:  Many people   contributing to the smoothness and fl avor
        nutritious meal or snack, but there is a   think that blending fruit and vegetables   of your drink.
        lot more to them than just blending fruit   automatically gives them enough fi ber.   •  Not All Smoothies Are Healthy: Watch
        and liquid. With a few smart tweaks, your   However, smoothies often lack the   out for store-bought  smoothies or juice
        smoothie can go from basic to powerhouse.     roughage that whole foods provide, which   bar  blends,  as  many  are  packed  with
        Here are some tips you might not know:  helps with digestion and fullness. Add   hidden sugars and syrups. Always ask for
        •  Frozen Veggies Are Your Secret Weapon:  ingredients like chia seeds, fl axseed, or oats   the ingredient list, and opt for smoothies
          While fresh fruit is the go-to, frozen   to increase the fi ber content, thicken your   that  focus  on whole, natural ingredients
          vegetables can add a creamy texture and   drink and keep you satisfi ed for hours.  for maximum health benefi ts.
          boost nutrition without altering the fl avor.   •  Protein Makes It Better: If you’re looking   Smoothies  don’t have  to be  just a  fruity
          Spinach, caulifl ower, and even zucchini   to balance a smoothie with more protein,   treat. With the right ingredients, they can
          are all excellent choices. They’re virtually   skip the sugary protein powders. Instead,   fuel your day, keep you full, and deliver a ton
          tasteless when blended with fruits and help   consider adding Greek yogurt, cottage   of  nutrition.  So,  grab  your  blender,
          to add fi ber, antioxidants, and a variety of   cheese, tofu, or even peanut butter. These   experiment with these tips, and blend up
          vitamins to your drink.             provide a clean source of protein while
                                                                                  something amazing!

             In the next i ue:

             •  Mediterranean Diet – A Timeless
                Approach to Health

             •  Strawberries – Sweet & Nutrient-Packed
             •  Evolution of Grilling – From Fire
                to Flavor
             •  And more!

           We're dedicated to providing a healthy and enjoyable dining experience. Have questions or
           suggestions? We'd love to hear from you!
           Email Us:         @BrockEatHealthy      @BrockEatHealthy

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