Page 3 - BrockCoNewsletter-MarApr2025
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Fitne  F us: PICKLEBALL                                                   MARK YOUR   NDAR:
        Have you heard the buzz about pickleball?   Perform movements that mimic those in   MARCH
        Before you hit the court, let’s talk about   the sport, like lunges and wide arm circles.
        how to enjoy the game while avoiding   •  Wear the Right Gear. Supportive shoes are
        common injuries.                     a must for quick side-to-side movements.
        Pickleball may seem like a new trend, but   Choose a paddle that feels comfortable in
        it’s been around since 1965. It started when   your hand and suits your play style.
        three friends turned a badminton set into a   •  Cross Train. Mix in activities like jogging,   NATIONAL NOODLE MONTH
        whole new game. Today, pickleball blends   strength training, or yoga to improve   SLURP, TWIRL, ENJOY!
        tennis, badminton, and ping-pong. Players   your overall fi tness and make your game   March is all about noodles! From pasta to

        use a paddle to hit a plastic ball over a net.   stronger.                 ramen, noodles o er endless possibilities. Try
        It’s less intense than tennis, but just as fun!                            whole-grain or veggie-based varieties for a
                                            •  Relax  and  Have  Fun. Injuries mostly   nutritious twist this month.
        Pickleball is simple, social, and great for all   happen because pickleball is so popular,
        skill levels. You can enjoy the game whether   not because it’s unsafe. Play at your own
        you’re an athlete or a beginner.  But jumping   pace, enjoy the low-impact nature of the   MARCH 12, 2025
        in too fast can lead to injuries if your body   game, and have fun!
        isn’t used to the movements.
                                            Pickleball  is  a  fun  way  to  stay  active  and
        Want to play pickleball safely?     connect with friends.  Start slow, stay safe,
        Follow these tips:
                                            and get out there to see what everyone is
        •  Ease into It. Start with shorter games and   talking about.
          build up as your body adapts.     Source:                                NATIONAL RDN DAY
        •  Warm up Smart. Skip static stretches.  CELEBRATING FOOD &
          Get the blood pumping to muscles   prevent-pickleball-injuries           NUTRITION EXPERTS
          and prepare your body before you play.                                   Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDNs)
                                                                                   help us make informed, healthy choices.
                                                                                   Please take a moment to recognize their
                                                                                   expertise and impact on well-being.


                                                                                   NATIONAL BLT MONTH

                                                                                   A CLASSIC WITH A TWIST
                                                                                   April celebrates the beloved BLT! Elevate yours
                                                                                   with avocado, egg, or a plant-based alternative
                                                                                   for a fresh take on this iconic sandwich.

                                                                                   APRIL 3, 2025

                                                                                   NATIONAL WALKING DAY

                                                                                   STEP INTO BETTER HEALTH
                                                                                   Take a walk today! Just 30 minutes of
                                                                                   walking can boost mood, improve heart
                                                                                   health, and increase energy. Every step
                                                                                   counts toward a healthier you!
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