Page 4 - BrockCoNewsletter-MarApr2025
P. 4


        Lavender isn’t just for candles and soap   cereal, dips, fish, poultry, and other dishes that   Of course, there are health benefits of using

        anymore – it’s in your co ee, cakes, and pasta.   can use a light enhancement.  this plant in your food and beverages:
        It is having a moment.               Of course, fresh or dried lavender can be used,   • The polyphenols in lavender can aid digestion
        The buzz started in 2020, with lavender   too. Fresh fl owers are in season from May   • Phytonutrients can strengthen immunity
        popping up on restaurant menus. Recently,   through September.  Find a variety whose
        it stole the spotlight at a major food show   smell and taste match your palette. The French   • Its soothing smell can reduce stress hormones
        featured in drinks, sweets, and savory dishes.   species is stronger than its English cousin.   Lavender is good for the palate, body, and
        Why  the  hype?  Lavender’s  calming  e ects,   Lavender pairs well with lemon. Chefs like to   mind. It brings a delicate calm and brilliant

        health benefits, and love of the color on social   use it in place of rosemary.  flavor to a world of foods. So, grab some

        media have made it a favorite for people looking   Tip: Lavender is easy to grow at home! With   lavender and sprinkle a little into your day!
        to relax and stay trendy.
                                             plenty of sunlight and well-drained soil, you   Source:
        At home, consumers can use syrups, honeys,   can have fresh lavender in your backyard or
        and  drink mixes to  quickly  add  a taste of   even a sunny windowsill pot.  dining/lavender-spice-springtime.html
        lavender to drinks, smoothies, baked goods,

                                             Focus on Wellne : GREEN THUMBS UP

                                             Looking for a new way to stay active? Head   consume more fi ber, a substance most don’t
                                             to your backyard! Gardening might be the   get enough of. Whether it’s tomatoes,
                                             ultimate workout. It’s like cross-training   carrots, or fresh herbs, homegrown produce
                                             with plants.                         tastes better and gives you a sense of pride
                                                                                  every time you take a bite.
                                             Digging, raking, pulling weeds, and lifting
                                             pots may not seem like exercise, but they   Yardwork is not only good for the body; it’s
                                             work your body in surprising ways.  These   good for the mind. Gardeners are outdoors
                                             natural movements, like squatting, bending,   and working in the sun, which improves
                                             and walking, make gardening a low-impact   the mood. People in gardening groups
                                             activity that builds strength and improves   also get the mental boost that comes from
                                             cardiovascular health, all without needing a   socializing. Pulling weeds releases stress and
                                             gym membership or complicated routines.  is an activity where the mind can wander. It’s
                                             But, like any workout, you need to ease into   a win-win for your body and your brain.
                                             it. People who jump into gardening have an   We’re all looking for ways to live healthier,
                                             increased risk of injury and heart attacks.   and gardening delivers. It’s exercise, healthy
                                             Warm up with some stretches, take breaks,   eating, and stress relief all rolled into one. So
                                             and focus on proper techniques when lifting,   grab a shovel, plant some seeds, and enjoy an
                                             raking, or digging. Think  of it as training   activity that feeds the stomach and the soul.
                                             your green thumb and your body!
                                             Most gardeners have great diets. Because
                                             they eat what they grow, gardeners eat more   and-fi tness/gardening-and-yard-work-
                                             vegetables each day than people who don’t till   exercise-with-a-purpose
                                             the soil. A recent study found that gardeners
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