Page 6 - BrockCoNewsletter-MarApr2025
P. 6


        Food prices are no joke these days, and tossing   buys that don’t work with your menu.   watch  out  certain  items  release  gases
        out food is like throwing money in the trash.     •  Get creative with leftovers: Don’t let those   that can make neighboring produce spoil
        One of the best ways to save cash is to use   odds and ends go to waste! Stocks, broths,   faster. Check out online guides to learn
        everything you buy. Here’s how to waste less   and sauces need bones; leftover vegetables   the best way to store your favorites.
        and stretch your budget further.       and their unused parts; and the stems and   These are a few ways to reduce the 66
        EASY WAYS TO REDUCE WASTE              stalks of herbs. Throw fruits and vegetables   million tons of food that Americans waste
        •  Know your food’s shelf life: Those “use   that are past peak ripeness into smoothies,   every year. Reducing your waste not only
          by” dates are just guidelines. Trust your   soups, and stews, not the garbage.  helps your wallet, but it is good for the
          senses.  If it smells, looks, and tastes fi ne, it’s   •  Organize your refrigerator and pantry: If   environment, too.
          probably good to eat!                you can’t see it, you’ll forget it. Keep older   If you have food you know you won’t eat,
        •  Pay attention to what you toss: Are you   or unpopular food at the front of cabinets   don’t let it go bad. Donate it to a food
          always  throwing  away  expired  yogurt  or   and shelves so you are likely to use them   pantry or community refrigerator. It could

          half-used lettuce? Take note of what goes to   before they expire.      make a di erence for someone in need.
          waste so you can buy smarter next time.   •  Store produce correctly:  Some items   Source:
        •  Shop with a list: A shopping list keeps you   should be in a cool, dark place, while
          focused and reduces the chances of impulse   others thrive in the refrigerator. And
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