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Fitne F us: DANCING
Many people skip exercise because they a step machine because you’re so focused
get bored on a treadmill or lifting weights. on learning the moves and having fun that
Fortunately, there are more workout you don’t notice the passage of time. Plus,
options than calisthenics. it probably won’t feel like work.
There’s dance! If the idea of dancing in public causes
anxiety, you can dance as if no one is
Dance is a workout that truly welcomes
everyone regardless of age or skill level. All watching at home. You can join thousands
you need is the desire to move and a little of free and paid dance classes online. The
rhythm, and you are ready to dance your great thing about an online lesson is that
way to fi tness. you can repeat it until you have mastered
the routine or need a new experience.
Dance is about more than just having fun.
It’s a full-body workout. It’s a proven way World-class companies, like Alvin Ailey
to boost your cardio health, strengthen American Dance Theater and the Jo rey
your muscles, and improve your balance Ballet, o er in-person and online drop-in
and fl exibility. Dancing is also good for classes for beginners to professionals.
the mind. Coordinating dance moves can Even if you don’t want to give up your
improve your brain function, and the social regular workout, break up your routine
aspect of dancing with others is excellent with a dance class. It might be so fun that
for your emotional health. you don’t even feel like you’re exercising!
Dance classes are easy to find. You can find Important Reminder: Before starting any
lessons near you at new exercise routine, including dancing, be
Plus, full-service gyms o er ballet, African, sure to check with your health professional
Zumba, modern, hip hop, fl amenco, to make sure it’s safe for you.
capoeira, and other movement classes. Source:
Sample all the options to fi nd the one or tness-
ones you like best. Time will probably move exercise/benefi ts-of-dance
faster in your favorite dance class than on
ask the rdN:
Cranberries are best known for preventing
urinary tract infections. Cranberries are high
in anthocyanins, which help prevent certain
cancers, improve heart health, lower blood
pressure, enhance eyesight, and maintain a
healthy cholesterol balance. If possible, eat them
fresh to avoid the added sugars in dried fruits
and juices.
Including fiber-rich foods like beans, nuts, fruits
like apples, and veggies like greens are helpful.
Whole grains like brown rice and oatmeal are
good choices while limiting sugary drinks and
treats. Healthy fats from avocados and nuts are
also beneficial. Remember to stay hydrated by
drinking plenty of water!
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