Page 8 - ROOT by Brock September October 24.indd
P. 8

Inside this i ue:

                 • Simplify Weekly Meals
                 • Overcome the Sunday Scaries
                 • Sports Recovery Tips

                 • Clean Your Kitchen Like a Pro
                 • And more!

        Busting Myths: GRAINS

        You may have heard that whole grains are   this processed grain with the nutrients taken   If you prefer the taste of white rice to brown
        super healthy, but does that mean refi ned   away, so consumers get the same amount of   rice, don’t choke down the whole-grain
        grains are bad?  Not exactly.        iron and vitamins as they would from whole   version or feel ashamed. Instead, add fi ber-
                                             grains. They also can store food longer, which   rich foods, like beans, berries, or nuts, to your
        Refi ned grains provide a good taste and a
        good amount of nutrition.            reduces food waste. Unfortunately, people   meals throughout the day.
                                             who dine on refi ned grains do not get the
        The milling process removes the bran and   dietary fi ber lost in processing. Fiber can   Source:
        germ from the grain. This refi ned grain has   reduce the risk of heart disease and blood
        lost fi ber, iron, and forms of vitamin B but   cholesterol levels. It also supports healthy   refined-grains

        has gained a longer shelf life and a fi ner   digestion. Many Americans routinely don’t get
        texture.  Fortunately,  food  producers  enrich   their daily recommended doses of fi ber.

           All of us at Brock & Company, Inc. are dedicated to providing a healthy and enjoyable dining
           experience. We’re here to answer questions and receive your comments or suggestions.
           Email Us:         @BrockEatHealthy      @BrockEatHealthy

                  The newsletter is printed on 100% recycled content, 100% post-consumer waste, processed chlorine-free paper using soy-based inks
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