Page 4 - ROOT by Brock September October 24.indd
P. 4

        While best known in the United States for   Chili powder is a fi ery seasoning packed with
        its use in chili, worldwide chili powder is   health benefi ts. So why not give it a try and
        used in various dishes. Chili powder is made   spice up your cooking adventures?
        from a variety of ground dried chili peppers,
        so not all chili powders are the same. For   Source:
        example, habanero chili powder is spicy,
        while ancho powder is milder.        natural-health/7-health-benefi ts-of-
        Do you know about its many health benefi ts?
        It contains vitamins A, C, and E, potassium,   chili-powder-uses/
        and iron. So it’s not only tasty, it is good for
        you too!
        Use chili powder to bring some heat to rubs
        and marinades, spice to popcorn and other
        snacks, or add it to soups and stews for extra
        fl avor. It’s a versatile and easy way to add a
        little fi re without changing the fl avor of a
        dish much.
        Chili powder is often sold in blends with
        seasonings like cumin and garlic powder. These
        blends may be high in sodium, so don’t add too
        much salt to dishes you sprinkle them on.

        spotlight on superf ds:

        Did you know that an artichoke is more than   Most people skip the work and purchase
        just a dip fi ller?  Here’s a cool fact: Everything   artichoke  hearts  that  are  jarred,  canned,  or
        tastes sweeter immediately after eating an   frozen. For a healthier treat, rinse jarred
        artichoke. The savory plant contains two   or canned artichoke hearts stored in oil or
        compounds that partially block the tongue’s   marinade.
        sweet receptors. Food and drinks that follow   Of course, artichoke hearts are great in
        wash them away, so the brain perceives   dips. They are also great additions to salads,
        sweetness that isn’t there.
                                             sandwiches, toasts, and egg dishes. Without

        The artichoke is a green plant with layers of   the choke, an artichoke can be stu ed with a
        leaves covering the heart, a juicy cluster of   variety of foods.
        fl esh surrounding a fuzzy inedible section, the   The artichoke is a low-calorie treat that is
        choke. The heart of the artichoke is a popular   bursting with fi ber, folate, copper, magnesium,
        culinary delight, even though much of the   and  antioxidants. The fi ber in artichokes
        artichoke can be eaten.              makes it a boon to digestive health.

        Before the fun, you have to snip o  thorny   Try this natural superfood in any food that
        leaf tips and the bottom of the stem of a raw   needs a tangy twist or some fi lling fi ber.
        artichoke, remove the less sturdy leaves, and
        scoop out the choke. The heart is ready to be   Source:
        used. Hearts are often steamed or grilled. Some
        experienced cooks recommend boiling the   artichoke-benefi ts#TOC_TITLE_HDR_6
        whole artichoke. After a few minutes, the leaves
        fall o , and thumbs can easily remove the choke.
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