Page 8 - ROOT by Brock January February 25.indd
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Every January 1, millions of people make Resolutions often emphasize immediate, waiting for January, can be a more achievable
New Year’s resolutions with the best intentions visible results rather than long-term habits. A and less stressful path to growth.
of self-improvement. Unfortunately, these more e ective strategy might involve setting So, this year, consider a more personalized,
promises often crumble within weeks of their manageable objectives that align with your fl exible approach to self-improvement instead
creation, leaving many disheartened. Here lifestyle and values. For instance, instead of of making many New Year’s resolutions
are several reasons to drop the tradition of resolving in January to lose weight, make the that lead to stress and probably won't be
making New Year’s resolutions this year. gradual building of healthy habits your goal. successful.
First, a New Year’s resolution can foster an all- This is best mentally and physically because Source:
or-nothing mindset. Goals based on a calendar 95% of dieters regain all the weight they have
date, not a need for change, often come with lost within two years.
unrealistic expectations. If you slip up once or Also, New Year's resolutions can reinforce nutrition/that-diet-probably-did-not-work
twice, the entire resolution can feel doomed to the idea that only a specifi c time of year is
fail. This leads to feelings of failure rather than appropriate for self-improvement. Personal top-new-years-resolution-dont-make-one-
progress. Instead of aiming for a major change, development is a continuous journey, not rcna11358
focus on making minor improvements. Try to bound by dates on a calendar. Embracing
read 10 pages a week instead of a book a month. change when it feels right for you, rather than
In the next i ue:
• Arugula: More Than a Salad Green
• Navigating Oils
• History of Pizza
• Limiting Food Waste
• And more!
All of us at Brock & Company, Inc. are dedicated to providing a healthy and enjoyable dining
experience. We’re here to answer questions and receive your comments or suggestions.
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