Page 6 - ROOT by Brock January February 25.indd
P. 6


        Kitchen Hacks: DECLUTTER YOUR KITCHEN

        Every year, Americans throw away 66 million   •  Store items in transparent packaging.
        tons of edible food. That number may seem   You’re more likely to reach for something
        so big that you feel like change is impossible,   when you know what it is, so don’t wrap things
        but every little action reduces the problem.   in aluminum foil or pack them in opaque
        Eating all the food you buy is an achievable   containers. Clear storage bins can be lifesavers.
        feat.  Keeping  your  refrigerator  and  pantry   •  Schedule Declutter Days. Once a month take
        organized is the fi rst step because if you can’t   a few minutes to examine your refrigerator
        see what you have, you won’t eat it.   and pantry. Put items close to spoiling on your
        •  Put unpopular items in the front. When   menu for the week or give them to a friend or
          reaching for frequently used foods and drinks   a community pantry or refrigerator.

          like ketchup and milk, you will find rarely used   With a decluttered pantry and kitchen,
          items that should be consumed or trashed.
                                             you’ll probably have easier shopping trips,
        •  Note what items you discard. Fill your   snacking, and cleaning. With your organized
          kitchen with fuel, not ambition. Buy food   refrigerator, maybe try some fridgescaping.
          you eat, not things you think you should eat.  Source:
        •  Organize  the  kitchen  according  to  food
          lifespan. Learn how long food can be safely   organizing-your-refrigerator-and-pantry-to-reduce-
          stored. Consider “use by dates” guides and
          put items closest to expiring at the front of   how-to-organize-the-refrigerator
          your shelves.             gures-about-materials-
                                             waste-and-recycling/food-material-specifi c-data
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