Page 5 - ROOT by Brock January February 25.indd
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 Spice It Up: HORSERADISH  February isn’t just about Valentine’s Day.   blood sugar. If you have any concerns, consult

        It’s also American Heart Health Month,   your healthcare provider to manage or reduce
        a  time  dedicated  to  raising  cardiovascular   risk factors e ectively.

        health awareness and encouraging healthy
        heart practices.                     4. SPREAD THE WORD:
                                             Share heart health tips with friends and family.
        Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of   Organize or participate in community events

        death in the United States. This month o ers a   like health fairs, walks, or workshops focusing
        vital opportunity to prioritize heart health and   on cardiovascular wellness. On February 7,
        adopt benefi cial lifestyle changes, such as:
                                             don a cool red outfit on National Wear Red

        1. GET MOVING:                       Day to promote heart health awareness.
        Regular physical activity is key to heart health.   5. REDUCE STRESS:
        Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate   Managing stress is essential for heart health.
        aerobic exercise per week, like brisk walking,   Stress can lead to inflammation-causing plaque

        cycling, or swimming. Join a local fitness class,   build-up in our arteries. Practice relaxation

        start a new exercise routine, or simply take daily
                                             techniques such as meditation or deep breath-
        walks to keep your heart in shape.   ing to help maintain emotional and physical
        2. EAT HEART HEALTHY FOODS:          well-being.
        Focus on a diet rich in fruits, vegetables,   Celebrate American Heart Health Month this
        whole grains, and lean proteins. Incorporate   February  by  practicing  these  lifestyle  habits,
        foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, like salm-  supporting loved ones in their health journeys,
        on and walnuts, and reduce your intake of   and  advocating  for  cardiovascular  wellness  in
        saturated fats, sugars, and processed foods.   your community.
        Try to cook more meals at home and ex-  Source:
        plore heart-healthy recipes.
        3. KNOW YOUR NUMBERS:                healthy-eating
        After  learning  your  family  history,  monitor
        your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and

 spotlight on superf ds: NUTS

        Focus on Wellne : BALANCED BEVERAGES
        Ever wonder how you could spice up your   2. NUTRITIONAL BALANCE:         your sense of smell to elevate the drink’s fl a-
        beverage routine? Like creating a balanced   Blend fruits and vegetables for a good   vor. For mocktails or health drinks, layer in-
        meal, you can make a well-crafted drink.   amount  of  vitamins  and  minerals;  a  pro-  gredients to create a visually enticing drink.
        Determining how to make a balanced beverage   tein source; and healthy fats. For instance,   4. PERSONALIZATION:
        involves more than just mixing ingredients. It’s   a smoothie with spinach, banana, Greek yo-  Customize based on individual health

        about achieving the right proportion of flavor,   gurt, and chia seeds contains fi ber, protein,   needs. If you need extra protein, add a
        textures, and nutrients . Here are  the tips for   and essential fats. Use natural ingredients to   scoop of protein powder. For immune sup-
        creating a well-crafted balanced beverage:  avoid excessive sugar or artifi cial additives. A   port, include ingredients like ginger or tur-
                                             good rule to determine high sugar content
        1. FLAVOR AGREEMENT:                                                      meric. Add a touch of salt if you’re trying to
        Ensure your drink is pleasing to the palate.   for prepared beverages with available nutri-  replenish lost electrolytes.
        Mix fl avor profi les. Try combining sweet fruits   tion information is to look for drinks with   As we seek balance in all areas of our lives, try
        like berries with tangy ones like grapefruit or   less than 12g of sugar per 12-ounce serving.  to incorporate balance into your drink as well.
        an acidic taste like a splash of apple cider vine-  3. VISUAL APPEAL:
        gar. Adding a small amount of honey or maple   The presentation also a ects perceived bal-  Source:

        syrup can add a touch of sweetness without   ance. A vibrant color can enhance the drink-
        overpowering the drink. Taste as you blend   ing experience. An appealing garnish can   healthy-drinks/sugary-drinks/how-sweet-is-it/
        and adjust to achieve a balanced fl avor profi le.  elevate the overall enjoyment and awaken
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