Page 7 - Efavirenz WHO PQ: A case study of a public-private collaboration
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Efavirenz WHO PQ: กรณีศึกษาความร่วมมือรัฐ-เอกชน ในการถ่ายทอดเทคโนโลยีการผลิตและควบคุมคุณภาพ           | ฉ

                       be accredited by WHO PQ, including the GPO's lack of readiness in several aspects.
                       Such  as  locations,  new  facility  procurement  process,  designs,  technology  choice,

                       human resources as well as the GPO management system, causing the executives and

                       committee in some periods paid attention to other issues.
                        According to the lesson learned, forming a new team combining with a new work

                       culture that developed effective teamwork where every member harmoniously works

                       towards  goal  as  well  as  the  support  from  executives  in  several  periods  have
                       contributed  to  the  eventual  WHO  PQ  project  accomplishment.  That  momentum

                       empowers GPO to set up high quality and vigorous work system for pharmaceutical

                       products in the overall appearance of the organization and its personnel until GPO can
                       create an image in the international market for earning trust in the GPO’s products.

                       Keywords:   Technology transfer, Government Pharmaceutical Organization,

                                   WHO Prequalification Programme, Efavirenz
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