Page 46 - Impact of WfH study report _SCOPE-ILO_Neat
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in evaluation. The Heads of Human Resources in particular felt that this was
also the right time for them to recalibrate their priorities, focus towards managing
remote workforce, digitalize the corporate function, and re-imagine workforce
models. Some of them shared that they have already come out with different ideas
and policies to deal with the pandemic. While following all the government
guidelines, companies were largely giving flexible work timings to their employees;
providing medical care with number of hospitals empaneled with the company ;
giving special causal leaves up to 30 days; also cashless med claim facilities to
employees and their dependents, etc.
8. Upon asked to rate their companys WfH Policy on a scale of 1 (very low) 5 (very
high), most PSEs preferred to give themselves a rating of 4. The reasons cited
were primarily three. First, there was no written work from home policy; or there
was on-going process of developing the policy; or where a policy did exist, a review
was being considered. Second, A large part of the companys business are related
to field operations, also spread/located in far flung areas, where WfH is not
possible. Third, since there has been no assessment of the impact of the policy or
the work from home arrangement as yet, the companies did not wish to rate
themselves 5/5. Though they were confident that the WfH arrangement is unlikely
to hinder the level of employees productivity; also it will enable employees to meet
their aspirations and personal responsibilities. Though one of the KIIs interviewed
added, WFH is effective only when people realize their responsibility towards the
work while working from their homes and not making it an excuse to do less work
or ineffective work.
9. It was shared that while companies gave quarantine/COVID leaves, it assured its
employees that such leaves had no bearing on any other leave/privileges of
employees (e.g. women employees maternity or childcare leave). Similarly, the
Grievance Redressal Mechanisms remained available online to address any office
related issues; if while working from home, the employee felt any work related
harassment by their superiors they could avail of the grievance redressal avenues.
Further, all PSEs used various online channels to make their employees stay
connected besides connecting for work. Wellness programmes were also
promoted online.
35 It was added that a WfH arrangement also does not have any impact on promotion and
leadership aspirations. Responsibilities and growth opportunities of any employee are not
affected by WfH; rather career progression is regulated by objective criteria based on merit.
36 21 Heads of Human Resources participated in the study.
37 Some of the important interventions made during the period which brought results
included i. Building rapport and carrying out business through virtual platforms/off-locations
ii. Significant reduction on physical movement of paper, people and work force iii. Training
and knowledge enrichment activities iv. Digital intervention and investments in technology.
38 Some PSEs also empanelled home care agencies for providing home care services to the