Page 10 - 2021-12 Courier FlipBook
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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                                      Mah Jongg                                                          Neighborhood Watch

         I’m Phyllis Frank and head up our Mah Jongg Group. We meet every        SAVE THE DATE
         Tuesday afternoon here at our Retreat from 1:00 to 4:00pm.              SPECIAL AD HOC NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH MEETING –
         We would love to have you join us. It’s a fun afternoon playing, meeting  JANUARY 2022
         and making new Friends. Mah Jongg is a game of skill &                  We are holding a Special Ad Hoc NW Meeting for all residents (separate
         luck.  Beginners and experienced players are welcome. I have taught     from our Spring Meeting) on the Emergency Medical Services
         many of our players and I am willing to teach whom ever might be        Responder Fee with Assistant Battalion Chief Michael Bradley,
         Interested.                                                             Roseville Fire Department, who oversees the program. The Q&A format
         We play the American version on the current 2021 card, which is ordered  will give residents “everything one needs to know about the new fee”
         on line from the National Mah Jongg League.                             process enacted by the City of Roseville in July 2021.  See link https://
         Please contact me Phyllis Frank or call 916-749-7641.
                                                                                 fire_department_f_a_q_. Pay particular attention to questions 1 and 2.
                              Mexican Train (Dominos)
                                                                                 You can read more about this “hot topic” in this issue featured in the
         Please join us for Mexican Train (dominos) on Friday nights at 6:30pm!  Neighborhood Watch column.
         If you don’t know how to play, we’d be happy to teach you.  Everyone is  Mia Winter, Director
         welcome to play - singles and couples. Contact Laura Wilson at (925)
         325-7953 if you have any questions.                                                                    Pinochle
                                                                                 COME PLAY PINOCHLE EVERY SATURDAY @ 10AM TO NOON
                                Neighborhood Watch
                                                                                 AT THE CLUB
         Neighborhood Watch Fall Meeting Update October 27, 2021                 Every Saturday 10 to 15 players are at The Club to play lively games of
         “We had a great time at the meeting.                                    PINOCHLE. We play Three handed and Partner single deck Pinochle
         Thank you for the warm welcome and                                      10am to noon. If you are rusty and have not played in a while the group
         hospitality. Doing these kinds of events                                will help you come back up to speed.  Win or lose we are here to have a
         is a fun time when we have an audience                                  good time. If you are interested in playing Pinochle drop in or call Alan
         who is genuinely interested, which was                                  Uman. Any questions e-mail Alan at or call (916)872-
         certainly the case last night.  We are                                  8984.
         happy to attend these events and look
         forward to the next one.”                                                                  Ping Pong (Table Tennis) Group
         Detective Justin Pruette, Roseville PD                                  The Ping Pong Group is a great way to get in a little exercise and have
         Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Unit       Lt. Ciampa, Bill & Mia       fun while doing it. We have two tables and play singles and doubles. All
         Presenting at our Fall Meeting on          Winter, Det. Pruette         levels of players are welcome.
         Wednesday, October 27th to a packed                                     Days and Times:
         crowd at The Retreat was keynote speaker Lt. Christopher Ciampa and     Friday 2-4pm
         Detective Justin Pruette, Roseville PD Unmanned Aircraft Systems        Saturday 2-4pm
         (UAS) Ancillary Unit.  The UAS ancillary unit has 14 officer pilots, and  Sunday 2-4pm
         all hold regular day jobs on the force.  In my opinion, it was probably   Tuesday 2-4pm (if Wellness room is available).
         one of the best NW presentations ever. Both officers gave compelling,   Just drop in, or email Francis Chang at to be added to
         descriptive and need-to-know information on everything from why the     our email list."
         unit was established to how they are playing an integral role in the
         SWAT team on call-outs today.                                                                         Poker Club
         We enjoyed the bantering between Lt. Ciampa and Det. Pruette. It was
         fun, entertaining and a crowd-pleasing event.  Multiple drones were on   Join us! We play every Wednesday at 6pm to 9pm in the library. This is
         display. Det. Pruette showed just how easy it was to read the small 12-  not cut throat Poker. Win lose or draw it is still fun.
         point font on a bottle of Chardonnay seen through the camera lens of the  Call Phil Lander (916) 872-8060 if you have any questions.
                                    large drone sitting 10 feet away.  Drones can
                                    fly up to 400 feet above ground. No flying                                Shutter Bugs
                                    was done in the Retreat, however.
                                    Lt. Ciampa is “Mr. Personality” and his      Our next regular meeting is January 6th when we will share photos from
                                    excellent delivery of the UAS, privacy issues  December 8th field trip to the Victorian Christmas in Nevada City or
                                    and body camera program were                 your favorite holiday photos. Dinner reservations will be made for one of
                                    unparalleled.                                the many good restaurants in Nevada City.  We will meet at the Retreat
                                    Videos of hidden guns on rooftops, an        to form car pools since we know parking during this event can be a little
                                    alleged suspect’s exact whereabouts and gas  challenging.  More details to come watch your email.
         leak detection by drone were shown.  No sleepy heads at this meeting    Now that you have all those photos you have taken with that new camera
         because the presentation was awesome, fun and enlightening.  Next       or cell phone camera that you got for Christmas how do you get them off
         Meeting: NW Spring Meeting May 17, 2022.                                your cell phone and camera, organize them on your favorite PC or

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