Page 11 - 2021-12 Courier FlipBook
P. 11
Shared Interest Group Announcements
Shutter Bugs, Continued Wine Appreciation (WAG), Continued
MacBook and share them with family and friends. Terry will demonstrate Pete’s, Handle’s Ice Cream, and Matt from Gourmet Garage! A variety
how to manage all those great photos. of music was provided by DJ Nick on the patio! With these great
As was mentioned above December 8th will be our photo field trip to vendors, we hope you will take the time to visit their businesses! They
Nevada City Victorian Christmas. Watch your email for the registration all worked hard on showcasing their products, and each and every one of
link to sign up for this event. them have great wines, beer, and/or food!
Our December regular SIG group meeting will be a holiday lunch on It’s Holiday Cheers & Wine for our December 9th Wine Appreciation
December 2nd at Monk’s Cellar in semi-old Roseville on Vernon Group Club Event. A full buffet holiday dinner will be prepared by Chef
Street. See the registration email you should have received before Jeneca Kretchman! Each table will receive a bottle of wine and members
now. If you did not receive the invite with the registration link please are asked to bring their own wine to share with their table mates. The
make sure you contact Lou Frank or Terry Brady. details of this fun holiday event have been emailed to WAG Members.
We look forward to seeing you all at our next regular meeting. Please We are aware the WAG Events do fill up quickly and we do our best
don’t hesitate to contact Lou or Terry with any questions. with the space we have to try to get in as many of you as we are
‘allowed’ to do. Be sure to put you names on the wait list just in case we
Singles Group have cancellations. And please, if you need to cancel your reservation,
Save the date: Sunday, January 23 we’ll be going out to a restaurant for please contact the Hosts or Helen as soon as you know.
dinner! Details will be in the January Courier. If you would like to join the Wine Appreciation Group or have any
questions, please feel free to contact me, Helen Warren, 916-768-0122 or
Spite & Malice via email at
“Your Holiday Forecast…..100% chance of Wine!”
We play every Sunday at 1pm in the Library. If you have questions
about our group or wish to learn to play please contact Jerye at 916-773- Ye Olde WestPark Players - Drama Group
Ye Old Westpark Players had a great November 12th weekend
Wii Bowling
performing our comedy, Kwaranteen Kapers . We thank our fantastic
The next Game night for Wii Bowling has been re-instated for December audiences for their enthusiasm, laughter, and understanding, especially at
4th. Please watch for your email opportunity to RSVP for December 4th Friday’s unplanned humor. Every free seat was “sold” and many people
on November 21 at 6pm. In January we have a change of plans. Since stayed to enjoy the shared goodies and drink. We thank and so appreciate
the Retreat is closed the first Saturday for New Year's Day, our game Shannon and the incredible staff for getting us ready and all the help
night has been moved to the 2nd Saturday which is January 8th. Save the throughout the whole process.
date and watch for your opportunity to make your reservation for January We will be on hiatus until Monday, January 3rd when we begin to
8th on Sunday, December 26 at 6 pm. Please remember to register your prepare for the for our next challenge, the drama Twelve Angry
vaccination card with the Retreat before that time or be prepared to show Jurors .Until then, have a wonderful, safe, happy, memory filled holiday
your proof of vaccination in order to play. Once your card has been season.
registered either with the Retreat or with your Wii Bowling hosts, there is YOWP welcomes new actors and needs all kinds of backstage help. It is
no longer a need to show it again. all fun! If you want to know more about the group please contact:
Thank you and we're looking forward to seeing all of you Wii Bowlers Director Rita DeMatteis, or 916-786-0234
on December 4th.
Wine Appreciation (WAG) Kwaranteen Kapers
And…. A wonderful time
was had by all who
attended the 5th Annual
Wine & Food Festival at
The Club. This fun event
was co-sponsored with
Shannon and The Club.
This year we were pleased
to have the following wine/
beer vendors: Mount Saint
Joseph Wines; Element 79
Vineyards; Helwig Winery;
Elevate Wines; Secret
Ravine Winery; Klinker
Brick Winery, and Porter’s House of Draft. Our restaurant venders
include: Authentic Street Taco; Tomatina Italian; Bennett’s, Original
December 2021 Page 11