Page 6 - 2021-12 Courier FlipBook
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Association Events

         It’s 5 O'clock Somewhere - Duo Gadjo                                    program.  There are no crazy diets, pills, or
         Thursday, December 16th at 5:00 p.m.                                    supplements, simply behavior change.  Weight loss
         Duo Gadjo’s music is largely inspired by                                isn't complicated, it just seems that way
         the sounds of the 20's and 30's, when jazz                              sometimes.  This program will get into how to get you
         was the new thing and Paris was the place                               started on losing weight and each week we will discuss
         to be. Their style is often called ‘Gypsy                               small changes you can make to get you on the path of
         Jazz’ as pioneered by the great guitarist                               success.
         Django Reinhardt who, singlehandedly                                    Cost: $25/session, first session free
         created this new genre by infusing the
         American art form with his French, and                                                       Sourdough Bread-Making Presentation
         Gypsy influences. Duo Gadjo’s repertoire, featuring Isabelle Fontaine on                     Tuesday, January 11th  4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
         vocals, includes many French classics as sung by Edith Piaf, Charles                         Ever wonder how to make your own sourdough
         Trenet, Yves Montand and others, as well as standards from the Great                         bread? Start off the new year with a brand new
         American songbook. Their distinctive French Cafe sound emanates from                         sourdough starter of your own after watching
         their Gypsy guitars, with the addition of the melodica.                                      resident Herb Lindner give a presentation on his
         Music and Dinner (Pizza and Salad) $14.00 / per person                                       bread making journey. Herb will show us the steps
         Music only $8.00 / per person                                                                involved in making sourdough bread from the
                                                                                 starter to the finished  loaf. He will show you how to mix your own
         Bingo                                                                   starter which you can take home with you afterwards. You'll learn tips
         Friday, January 7th                                                     and techniques to start you on your own bread-making journey.
         6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.                                                   He's planning on baking a loaf during the demonstration with some
         Join us for a night of Bingo at                                         tasting samples too.
         The Retreat!  We play a total of                                        FREE - RSVP by January 3rd.
         12 games with a brief
         intermission after game 6.  Feel
         free to bring a beverage of your                                        Resident Art Exhibit
         choice to enjoy during play.                                            Sunday, January 30th
         RSVP in advance at The                                                  4:00pm-6:00pm
         Retreat even if you plan play by                                        Come experience Fine Art and Photography created by community
         Zoom or in person. FREE                                                 artists! Enjoy wine and light hors d’oeuvres while viewing the hard work
         Many thanks to our event                                                and talent of your neighbors.
         sponsor:  Agent Mimi Kim                                                Artists: RSVP at The Retreat by Friday, January 14th - FREE
                                                                                 Attendees: RSVP at The Retreat - FREE

         Jazz Night - Reggie Graham
         Sunday, January 9th from Dinner 6:00 p.m. / Music 6:45 p.m.
         We welcome Reggie Graham and his jazz
         ensemble. A native of Sacramento,
         California, Reggie Graham’s passion is
         creating music by playing the piano. He
         is a highly motivated, world-traveled
         musician who loves both playing the
         keys, but also sharing his talent through
         His band, The Reggie Graham Trio has
         been featured at The Harris Center, as
         well as The Midtown Vanguard Jazz                                                         Jim Spriggs displaying his work at
         Series at CLARA.                                                                             the 2019 Art & Wine Exhibit
         Spaghetti Dinner & Music $15.00
         Music Only $10.00
                                                                                 SAVE THE DATE ~ Valentine’s Party
         Weight Loss Secret 6 Week Kickstarter                                   Thursday, February 10th
         Beginning: Monday January 10th from 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.              Dinner 6:00 p.m.
         No charge for the 1st session, come see what it’s all about.            DJ Nick will spin the tunes from 7:00 - 10:00
         Duration: 6 weeks                                                       p.m.
         The holidays and weight gain seem to go together.  That doesn't have to   Dancing and dinner welcoming singles and
         be the end of the story.  In this program we will do a 6-week group     couples!
         kickstarter.  You are the expert in your life and I will use your expertise   Reserved Seating
         to help you customize a plan that is right for you.  This is not a diet   Dinner Menu and Pricing Announced in January Courier

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