Page 9 - 2021-12 Courier FlipBook
P. 9

Shared Interest Group Announcements

                             Club at WestPark Democrats                                                      Hand and Foot

           Staying informed on issues and gaining new perspective               Hand and Foot is a card game played Fridays at The Retreat, from 2 pm
           Being able to share ideas and views                                  until around 4 pm.  Cards are drawn prior to playing to determine who
            Listening to interesting speakers from fellow members, local        plays together. (Players should arrive by 1:50 p.m. in order to draw cards
         business leaders, and members of academia                               so that play can begin by 2 p.m.)  If you want to learn to play, contact
            Participating in Fun social events                                  Donna Sager by email, phone or text, and I will get back to you. Come
         If you are not currently a member and would like to join or have any    join us and have some fun. Thanks or 916-834-
         questions, contact us at              4249
         MISSION: The mission of The Club at Westpark Democrats is to create                               Helping Hands 2.0
         a welcoming forum to support Democratic candidates of integrity who
         share our values of unity, diversity and equal rights. We strive to use our  HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL!
         collective power through discussion, information and outreach to put our  Our last Coffee and Chat was held one Friday, October
         progressive vision, values and goals into action.                       29h at 9am in the Café. It was the last Coffee and Chat for
                                                                                 the year as we do not have Coffee and Chat in November
                                        Cribbage                                 and December but will see you all again on the last Friday
                                                                                 in January 2022, the 28th.
         PLAYED AT THE CLUB UNTIL NOON                                           HELPING HANDS ANNUAL BAKE SALE/HOT DOG LUNCH AT
                                                                                 THE CRAFT FAIR
         Come play CRIBBAGE with us every Monday and/or
         Wednesday from 10am to noon. We play two and three                      Saturday December 4th, 10:00-2:00
         handed and partners with four. Cards are drawn to see who               ATTENTION ALL BAKERS
         plays with whom.  If you have not played in a long time, no problem, we   We need all of you talented Bakers out there to “WOW” us once again
         will go slow and reacquaint you to the game. We have 12 to 20 members   with your wonderful and tasty creations. We will gratefully be receiving
         and play to have fun and enjoy each others company. If you would like   your baked items either Friday, December 3rd, from 2-5pm at the
         to play Cribbage drop in or call Alan Uman. Any Questions e-mail Alan   Retreat, OR early Saturday morning, December 4th, but before 8:30am
                                                                                 please!   We also request that you CLEARLY label your items, example:
         at or call (916)872-8984.
                                                                                 “pumpkin bread with walnuts” or “1 dozen chocolate chip cookies (no
                                  Digital World Club                             nuts)”, etc.  We will be pricing all items for you.  Also, please festively
                                                                                 bag or wrap your items.  We will have extra labels, ribbons, and bags on
                                       We have a new meeting time for our        hand, just in case.
                                       December 8th DWC meeting. We are          Please RSVP if you’re baking, to Pauline Slagis:
                                       going to be in The Library at 10 am.
                                       Thank you for all your responses to our   Don’t forget, our “world famous” Hot Dog Lunch will be available
                                       survey. We received many good ideas. It   beginning at 11:00am.
                                       will help us plan an exciting 2022 for you!   It sells out every year, so bring your appetite!
                                       We strive to keep you aware of technology   ALL PROCEEDS WILL BE DONATED TO CHARITY
         as well as keeping you safe while using your devices. Please note that   Helping Hands thanks you, as always, for your generous support!
         there are several good articles posted on our webpage about scams and   *Please Note:  Follow Covid 19 guidelines of the Club at WestPark to
         how to avoid them. There are many good resources online by just         attend all events. *
         googling your question or searching YouTube. If you need help, email    IF YOU, OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW HAS A NEIGHBOR WHO IS
         us. Our Point of Contact is Rick Koehler at      SICK, HAS HAD SURGERY, (DON’T FORGET THOSE WHO HAVE
         Our December meeting will be multifaceted. We will have an open         HAD OUTPATIENT SURGERIES), BEEN INJURED, OR SUFFERED
         forum about open forums where the members can participate more          THE LOSS OF A LOVED ONE, PLEASE LET US KNOW SO WE
         (thank you Elaine Bilot for the suggestion). Jim Lindauer will talk about   CAN SEND A CARD, LOVINGLY HAND MADE BY VARIOUS
         holiday gadgets. We also want to know what gadgets you are buying/      RESIDENTS IN OUR COMMUNITY.
         receiving for the holidays. Any good suggestions for those techy         PLEASE EMAIL  WITH THE
         grandchildren? What if anything did you purchase on Black Friday/       INFORMATION
         Cyber Monday which now seems to last the entire season in spite of the
         supply chain bottleneck. We may also talk about e-bikes. Do you have                                 Line Dancing
         one? Do you want one? Santa is coming. has several ideas,               The Line Dancers wish blessings of Peace, Love and Joy to
         like a subscription to Disney+ for the grands. Apple tags make a great
         stocking stuffers.                                                               everyone.
         The RSVP worked so well for our last meeting. We will be sending one             We will be dancing every Friday through November and
                                                                                          December except Christmas Eve (Dec. 24).   Hope you are
         for this meeting to our members. To ensure you receive it, add the      thinking about making your New Years resolutions with one being to try
         DIGITAL WORLD CLUB to your groups in your PROFILE on the
         club’s website,                            line dancing to get your body moving.
         Have a great holiday season!                                            Email if you have any
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