Page 8 - 2021-12 Courier FlipBook
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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                                     CRI Group                                                               Club Trekkers

         Trustees.                                                               To receive emails about hikes and walks, login to the Club's website,
          She also reminded us that the city of Roseville, while growing, has    click on YOUR PROFILE in the upper right, click on Update Profile in
         enough water to be able to handle the growth.  Our water supply is      the list of options, and then click on the box next to Club Trekkers in the
         refilled with water from the American River before it goes into Folsom   list of Special Interest Groups, and be sure to click SAVE at the bottom.
         Lake.  Builders are also required to ensure that they include the cost of
         roads, schools, and services into the price of their buildings.                      Club Quilters ~ Quilters inspiring Quilters
          She holds town hall meetings and video news updates to keep us
         informed on what is happening in Placer County.  Check out Bonnie’s     We meet the 2nd and 4th Fridays at 10:00 a.m. in The Library.   If you
         web site for updates.    District 1 - Bonnie Gore | Placer County, CA   have any questions please call Carol 361-290-3222
         (  She encourages people to contact her with any questions.
          We are looking forward to our Christmas Holiday Social on December 2                               Club Veterans
         to end 2021.  ‘Tis the season to celebrate life, family, and friends.
          Our next regular meeting will be January 6, 2022.  We will have more   The meeting that was held on November 11th,
         information about this meeting late December.                           Veteran’s Day was our last meeting of this year
          For more information about our group, you can go to our Group Page on  2021. During the meeting elections for 2022 were
         the HOA web site at  You can also     held. Unless other members stand for election it
         contact Randy at  To join our group contact       looks as of this writing the present board members
         Alice at                                            will be re-elected for another year? They are; Roy
         We wish everyone a joyous, healthy holiday season and a prosperous      Vanoni, Board President, Dow Sager, VP, Greg Cerlenko, Board
         New Year.                                                               Secretary and Stan Kasperik, Financial Officer.
                                                                                 Though this was a short year we did exceed our goals for the Fall BBQ
                                     Club Crafters                               that will give us the funds to improve the lives of many local vets in need
                                                                                 through next year. All of us are looking forward to the New Year and a
                           Every Tuesday 10AM join us at The Club. Whatever  full agenda of projects. There will be NO meeting in the month of
                           your craft, learn new skills, complete unfinished     December!
                           projects, expand your abilities while enjoying the    We would also like to recognize the recent passing of our long-time
                           company of your friends and neighbors.                member David Froehlich Lt. Colonel who had a long career in the USAF
                           Our ongoing project is making blankets for            as pilot. David flew just about everything they had in his long career. He
                           Sacramento Blankets for Sacramento Kids. SBSK         is survived by his lovely wife Shila, their kids and grandkids. He will be
                           provides handmade blankets to children in the         missed by us all.
         Sacramento and Placer Counties, in addition to State and National       Thank you all for your continued support and from all of us we want to
         emergencies. The blankets are distributed to children in homeless       wish you all a wonderful holiday season with your families and a safe
         shelters, hospitals, schools, etc. We accept knitted, crocheted, sewn,   New Year.  Be safe and take care in 2022.
         quilted, and no-sew fleece blankets from the community for donation.
         We continue to give to Sacramento Shriners Hospital. Every year                              Club at WestPark Democrats
         Shriners has a wish list of items they need; anyone in the community is
         welcome to contribute. All of these are great projects to give back to the  We expect next year to be active, with the Congressional mid-term
         community while doing something fun with your neighbors. If you have  election and perhaps the beginning of the 2024 Presidential race. We
         craft items to donate, we are happy to take them. For more information   know that we’ll have several candidates running for our Congressional
         about our group, projects, or to donate items, contact Denise Caputo at   seat who will ask for our support.
         916-782-1663 or email                            The Club at WestPark Democrat members and guests joined together at
                                                                                 our November meeting to begin planning for 2022.
                                     Club Trekkers                               We met in small groups and discussed topics such as supporting local
                                                                                 school board candidates, great ideas for speakers, and if/how we might
         Starting in December The Club Trekkers will be hiking on the first and   alter our meetings to make them as enjoyable and accessible to the most
         third Tuesdays of the month with the hikes repeating on the Saturday    number of Democrats in the Club at WestPark. Each group reported their
         immediately following.  The hike on the first Tuesday, and following    recommendations for the Steering Committee to take under advisement.
         Saturday, will be a little harder than the hike on the third Tuesday and   Mark Your Calendar:
         associated Saturday.  These hikes will be on dirt trails unless the weather  Remember that the meeting on December 1st is canceled as we look
         changes those plans.                                                    forward to the Holiday Party on Tuesday December 7th from 5-7pm.
         Additionally, we’ll be adding neighborhood walks that may start at the   How Can I Join or Renew?
         Retreat, or in a nearby park and will be shorter distances than the hikes.   We invite any Club at WestPark resident to join, you don’t have to be a
         These walks will be on sidewalks or paved trails.  We’ll be sending out   Democrat, and joining our Club doesn’t mean that you’re joining any
         emails to the Club Trekkers’ roster a few days before each walk or hike.   other Democratic organization.
         So sign up with the Club Trekkers if you’d like to get our emails.      What are the benefits of joining? A few examples are:

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