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Shared Interest Group Announcements

         any resident who might want to try it out or ask questions of the                            Wine Appreciation (WAG)
                                     Wii Bowling
                                                                                 September will feature Bailarin Cellars and their excellent wine from
                                                                                 premiere vineyards in Napa and Sonoma counties.  Our hosts will be
                                                                                 Steve and Caroline Crawford and Jeanne Zaffarano.  The theme is
                                                                                 Dance, Dance, Dance and is sure to be tutu fun!
                                                                                 In October, we will be taking a Trip Around the World, exploring wines
                                                                                 from various countries.  Michael Hemingway, the Grocery Outlet “wine
                                                                                 guy” and wine educator, will be here to discuss each wine.  Our host will
                                                                                 be Judith Kurylak.  Please look for Sign Up Genius to reserve your spot.
                                                                                 Please note we collect CASH only and cannot provide refunds once the
                                                                                 count has been given to the caterer.  Payment must be made prior to the
                                                                                 event and NO money will be collected at the door.
                                                                                 If you have any questions, please contact Bonnie Pavri at (707) 228-
                                                                                 6255 or via email at
                                                                                 “Wine; juice with more life experience “

                                                                                               Ye Olde WestPark Players - Drama Group

                                                                                 The Ye Olde Westpark Players are ramping up for our 2023 Fall
             LtoR: Sheila Acke, Pam Koehler, Susan Garcia and Dave French        Production, “Against All Odds”. Please join us for light and humorous
                                                                                 laughter on relationships, friends and life.
         representatives from our group.  Please stop by, ask questions and try   Mark your calendars for performance dates / times:
         your hand at the Wii Bowling game.  No experience is needed to join the  Fri, Oct 27 – 7pm
         group.  All residents are welcome. We will also be selling tickets to enter  Sat, Oct 28 - 7pm
         and win a beautiful apothecary jar, candies and other prizes.           Sun, Oct 29 - 2pm Matinee
         Our next game night is Tuesday, October 10th.  Dues of $5 per person,   Tickets will be on sale at The Retreat:
         per game night are collected the night of the event and prizes of gift   Monday, October 9
         certificates to various local restaurants are awarded to the highest scoring  10am - Noon
         team.  Please watch for your opportunity to RSVP for October 10th,      Monday, Oct 16
         starting on Tuesday September 26th, at approximately 6                  4pm - 6pm
         pm.  Reservations are required in order to play. Won’t you join us?

                                                                                 The Club Veterans Group will be conducting a fundraising
                                                                                 drive during September and October.  We will be collecting old,
                                                                                 slightly worn and even very worn sneakers of any size.  Your dona-
                                                                                 tion will help raise funds for Homeless and Disabled Veterans.  It will
                                                                                 also assist in providing funding for programs aimed at combating vet-
                                                                                 eran suicide, currently averaging 22 per day. To donate, please drop
                                                                                 your unwanted sneakers in the large barrel located inside the main
                                                                                 entrance of The Retreat.  The Club
                                                                                 Vets thank you for your support.

                                                                                 Contact Rob Born

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