Page 16 - 2023-10
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Club Classifieds Neighbor to Neighbor
Window Blinds Area Rug
FREE Window blinds for family Aging Well Symposium & Resource Fair
room in Holsinger model. Getting Large rectangular area rug 8.6' x 10.7' Saturday, October 7th
new window coverings and have no great for living room or bedroom. 8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
need for the blinds in the large family Low pile, light blue horizontal stripes Orangevale Community Center
room or desk area blinds. Blinds are with small gold rectangles creating a 6826 Hazel Ave, Orangevale 95662
good Hunter Douglas quality. Once visual calming effect to the eye. Eight Panel discussions and Resource Fair
again, FREE. years old in great condition. $50. Planning - making decisions before you make them in
Contact: Mia, 408.219.3946 crisis mode.
For ticket information go to
Womens Bike Living Ficus Tree
For Sale: 26 inch woman's coaster bi- I've had this ficus plant (now tree) for Mobile Dog Groomer
cycle. 3-speed automatic transmission. 20 years and it's grown into a beauti- In need of a reference ~ please email company
Well maintained but lightly used. ful specimen. It's healthy but has got- information to
Light teal color. Wide, padded seat. ten big standing (with vase) 7.5' tall
$100. Call 661.747.5716 and 2' wide. This "inside now tree" is
ready for a new home. Come see it.
$100 Mia, 408.219.3946
“Neighbor to Neighbor” items are helpful hints
Do you have something to sell? Try our Classifieds! submitted by our residents who have concerns or would
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October 2023 Page 16