Page 52 - PDF Project Genius Hour
P. 52

The A   n   es    B  na    n  H  h  51

                       The following morning Al woke up lying on the

               barrel, while Bernard, Hugh, and Captain Thomas were

               roused by the noises of bustling people in the colony. Al

               went back to their cabin, defeated.

                       Our heroes were approached by a man who gave

               them jobs in the colony. Al’s job was paradoxical,

               helping move the alcohol barrels to another part of the

               colony. Bernard’s job was hunting. Captain Thomas’s job

               was to be an Apothecary, and Hugh’s job was to be a

               cobbler, which took him much practice indeed. Little did

               everyone in the Pennsylvania Colony know, Indians less

               than fifty miles away were preparing to ambush the

               Pennsylvanian hunters…
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