Page 30 - January 2020 BarJournal
P. 30





                                   BY BRIAN MCDONOUGH

                     n October 18, 2017, President   victim specialists, first responders, civil legal aid   What is perhaps most disturbing about
                     Donald J. Trump signed   employees, and others, to enhance their ability to   these crimes is the non-economic impact upon
                     into  law  the  Elder  Abuse   respond to elder fraud efficiently and effectively.  victims. It is heartbreaking to picture a scammer
                     Prevention and Prosecution                                coming face-to-face with a fragile, elderly person
        O Act (EAPPA). The EAPPA            Promoting justice for older Americans  and telling bald-faced lies to steal the elderly
        was a “multi-pronged approach to prevent   Investigating  and  prosecuting  financial  scams   victim’s  hard-earned  money.  But  there  is  little
        elder abuse, protect victims, and prosecute   targeting older adults through coordination with   practical difference  when the  offense happens
        perpetrators of elder abuse crimes.” It sought to   federal, state, and local law enforcement and   over the phone or the internet. Elderly persons
        improve elder abuse prevention by improving   community partners.      are thrust into a world where it can suddenly be
        elder abuse  collection  data  at  local,  state  and                  challenging to determine who can and cannot
        federal levels; improve law enforcement training   Helping older victims and their families  be trusted. It often happens at a time when
        and  technical  assistance  regarding  elder  abuse;   Connecting older adults and their families or   elderly persons are becoming more dependent
        provide improved victim assistance to victims   caregivers with appropriate investigative agencies,   upon others. During this transition, they may
        of elder abuse; improve and support federal   as well as empowering them with information   also experience a significant blow to their self-
        prosecution of elder abuse; and create enhanced   about abuse and recovering from its effects.  esteem, given that they may not have the levels of
        penalties for those who engage in telemarketing   The protection of the elderly is a core   responsibility that they once did. In the end, they
        and email scams targeting elders.   principle of our social contract. Throughout   may feel that they let themselves and others down
          As a result of the EAPPA, the Department of   history, societies valued the elderly and   by failing to protect their savings adequately.
        Justice created the Elder Justice Initiative (EJI)   afforded them special protections. For many,   This victimization can lead to feelings of shame,
        to support and coordinate the Department’s   how we treat the elderly is considered a sound   insecurity, and paranoia, for having been misled.
        enforcement and programmatic efforts to combat   indicator of the justness of our society. When   In the Northern District of Ohio, the scourge
        elder abuse, neglect, financial fraud, and scams   it comes to the protection of the elderly in the   of fraudulent schemes targeting the elderly is a
        that target our nation’s seniors. In every one of the   United States, we should hold ourselves to an   growing problem based on demographics and
        93 U.S. Attorney’s Offices, the DOJ created the   exacting standard.   wealth accumulation. The United States Census
        position of Elder Justice Coordinator. Through   The  elderly  are  uniquely  vulnerable  to  these   Bureau highlighted the continued growth of the
        the building of federal, state, and local capacity   targeted  schemes  to defraud. As  technology   senior population in its 2017 National Population
        to fight elder abuse with training and resources   changes,  everyday  activities  such  as  Projections. More than 10,000 Baby Boomers
        for law enforcement professionals, judges,   communication, shopping, and banking   (those born between 1946 and 1964) turn 65 each
        prosecutors, and others; through promoting   change with it. While a grandparent may have   day. The aging of America signals the movement
        justice for older Americans, and supporting   a good understanding of email communication   of the largest holders of wealth from the workplace
        research to improve elder abuse policy and   and social media, he or she may be less able to   to retirement, as the 65-and-older population
        practice; and through helping the victims and   understand the common methods used mask   leads all age groups in homeownership levels and
        their families, the EJI represented a coordinated   or even spoof identities. The elderly may also   median net worth.
        effort to take on this problem on multiple fronts.  be more inclined to trust seemingly legitimate   The lure of quick money — often without having
          Combatting financial fraud targeted at seniors   electronic or verbal communications. Their   to expose one’s identity or confront a sympathetic
        is a key priority of the DOJ and the U.S. Attorney’s   experience is defined by decades of generally   victim  face-to-face  — has  fueled a  remarkable
        Office for the Northern District of Ohio, which   living free from concern that scammers would   increase in these crimes over the last decade. Over a
        focuses on the following areas:     boldly and persistently lie to steal someone   billion dollars a year is lost through financial fraud.
                                            else’s hard-earned money. Perhaps most   In the past year, scams have increased by 20%.
        Building federal, state, and local capacity to   distressing, the elderly might see contact with   By their nature, these crimes are perpetrated
        fight elder fraud                   a scammer as an opportunity for dearly missed   remotely, giving the criminals a virtually unlimited
        Providing targeted training and resources to   social interaction. Studies show that lack of   supply of potential victims. With little or no limit
        elder  justice  professionals  including,  social   social interaction can hurt the health and well-  on the opportunities to offend, the need for a law
        workers, prosecutors, law enforcement, judges,   being of aging Americans.  enforcement response is particularly acute.

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