Page 29 - January 2020 BarJournal
P. 29


            cal. This is not meant to suggest that lawyers be held   Constitution and American history create a pro-
            to any professional standards different than the ap-  nounced role for American lawyers to act on our   Jonathan Leiken is Senior Vice
            plicable rules of professional conduct, nor to com-  democratic rules and norms and connect them to   President, Chief Legal Officer &
            ment on the rules of professional conduct them-  the day-to-day lives of American individuals and   Secretary for Diebold Nixdorf, Inc.
            selves, but rather simply to reflect upon the concept   institutions. This role extends to in-house lawyers   (NYSE: DBD), a former federal
            of lawyers as legal and ethical guides and how that   working in American corporations. Over the past   prosecutor in the Southern District
            concept relates to lawyers within a corporation.  century, many legal functions have migrated from   of New York, and an Adjunct Professor of Law
              As an internal employee, the in-house lawyer   private practice to inside the corporation, as the   with Case Western Reserve University School of
            has a unique view of an organization’s processes.   rise of the corporate legal department has changed   Law. He has been a CMBA member since 2005.
            She  often has  the ability  to  spot legal  risks  that   the landscape of corporate America.  He can be reached at (330) 490-4000 or jonathan.
            outside counsel might not have the opportunity   None of this means that the in-house lawyer’s
            or background knowledge to identify, and which   job is easy, nor that there are clear answers to the
            non-lawyers would not recognize as a potential le-  questions and puzzles put before the corporate   Caitlin Bell is a Counsel with Jones Day
            gal issue. By virtue of an in-house lawyer’s visibility   attorney in her various, and sometimes even con-  and an Adjunct Professor of Law with
            into her client’s activities, she might identify unex-  flicting, roles. In-house lawyers frequently may feel   Case Western Reserve University School
            pected legal risks associated with a business activ-  that they live in a world of grey, where the mixture   of Law. She can be reached at (216)
            ity, flag these risks for the entity, and help guide   of facts and rules do not present a clear roadmap   586-3939 or
            the organization through a process to assess and   for how to advise the company. What is clear is
            address the risks.                 that all American lawyers are connected directly
               America is not unique in maintaining consti-  to our constitutional democracy. Bound by their   Mr. Leiken and Ms. Bell teach the course “White
            tutional democracy. Many countries around the   oaths and their obligations under the rules of pro-  Collar Crime: Prosecution and Defense” in the
            world are committed to the rule of law, and lawyers   fessional conduct, in-house lawyers for American   spring semester at Case Western Reserve University
            are important and valued elsewhere. Yet, in many   companies bring our democratic principles and   School of Law. The views and opinions set forth
            other democracies, in-house legal communica-  norms inside the institution. With this in mind, it   herein are the personal views or opinions of the
            tions are not treated as privileged, even when those   is not hard to see why in-house lawyers for Ameri-  authors; they do not necessarily reflect views or
            communications are for the purpose of seeking or   can companies are sometimes referred to as the   opinions of the organizations with which they
            giving legal advice inside the company. The U.S.   “conscience” of the organization.  are associated.


                                                                            Forensic accounting
                                                                            Economic damages
                                                                            Expert witness testimony
                                                                            Business valuation
                                                                            Bankruptcy services
                                                                            eDiscovery
                                                                            Insurance loss measurement and defense
                                                                            Alternative dispute resolution
                                                                            Mediation of damages
                                                                            Subrogation
                                                                            Fraud investigation

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