Page 31 - January 2020 BarJournal
P. 31


              During  February 2018, the  Department  of
            Justice coordinated the largest sweep of elder
            fraud cases in history, involving more than 250
            defendants around the world who victimized
            more than a million Americans, most of whom
            were elderly. This sweep was part of ongoing
            efforts by federal, state, and local prosecutors
            working as partners with law enforcement and
            agencies that serve the elderly to protect our
            seniors from those who seek to defraud them. In
            the Northern District of Ohio, the U.S. Attorney’s
            Office  successfully  prosecuted  fraudsters  who
            targeted the elderly.

            The following scams are typical in the Northern
            District of Ohio:
              “Grandparent bail scam”
              Callers purport to be a grandchild and request
              the victim to send cash immediately due to a
              traffic accident that resulted in the caller being
              arrested and placed in jail.
              “Lottery phone scam”
              Callers convince seniors that a large tax or fee
              must be paid before one can receive lottery
              winnings, often from Jamaica.
              “Romance scam”
              Callers lull victims into believing that an
              online love interest needs funds to travel
              to the United States or for some other
              purported charitable purpose.
              “IRS imposter scam”              community partners, including the Cuyahoga
              Callers pose as an IRS agent and claims that   County Scam Squad at (216) 443-SCAM, the FTC,   Brian McDonough is an Assistant
              the victim owes back taxes. Payment must be   the FBI, the IRS, the United States Postal Inspection   United States Attorney in the Office
              made immediately via gift card, wire transfer,   Service, the Treasury Inspector General for Tax   of the United States Attorney for the
              or crypto currency to avoid arrest.   Administration, the Ohio Attorney General’s   Northern District of Ohio in the
            The harm from these scams is measured by   Office, the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office,   Criminal Division’s White Collar
            more  than the total dollar amount  of the loss.   or any local police department.  Crimes Unit. He supervises investigations and
            While wide-ranging schemes to defraud older   Together with our federal, state, and local   prosecutes a variety of complex financial crimes,
            Americans can certainly involve large amounts   partners, the Department of Justice is steadfastly   including investment fraud, heath care fraud, bank
            of money, they consistently inflict significant   committed to combatting all forms of financial   fraud, wire fraud, mail fraud, securities fraud,
            psychological damage upon the victims. As with   exploitation and abuse and through enforcement   identity theft, tax, civil rights, and public corruption.
            financial loss, elderly victims can be ill-equipped   actions, training and resources, research, victim   He also serves as the Elder Justice Coordinator for
            to recover from such harm.         services, and public awareness. This holistic and   the Northern District of Ohio and works with federal,
              Although financial fraud is typically committed   robust response demonstrates the Department’s   state, and local law enforcement and community
            against seniors from strangers, including call   unwavering dedication to fighting for justice for   partners to combat elder fraud and abuse. Before
            centers in Costa Rica, India, and West Africa,   older Americans.      joining the Office of the United States Attorney,
            non-strangers are also sometimes involved.   Reaching the golden years of life should   AUSA McDonough was an Assistant Cuyahoga
            Usually, in cases of elder abuse, the perpetrator is   bring respect and comfort to those who have   County Prosecutor for over 13 years, where he
            a family member or care provider.  worked hard and sacrificed to enjoy retirement.   prosecuted violent crimes, including a cold-case
              Elder abuse is an intentional or negligent   Unfortunately, many unscrupulous actors see   homicide that NBC’s Dateline featured. When he is
            act by any person that causes harm or a serious   seniors as prey for scams and schemes that can add   not working, Brian enjoys competitive rowing and
            risk of harm to an older adult. Elder abuse is a   undue stress to a time when it is most unexpected.   belongs to the Western Reserve Rowing Association.
            severe crime against some of our nation’s most   The Elder Justice Initiative is committed to today’s   He serves as Chair of the Government Attorneys
            vulnerable citizens.               seniors, America’s greatest generation, those who   Section. He has been a CMBA member since 2000.
              Victims of financial fraud can report scams   have earned the right to enjoy their golden years   He can be reached at (216) 622-3965 or brian.
            to our federal and state law enforcement and   safe, secure, and protected from fraud and abuse.

            JANUARY 2020                                                               CLEVELAND METROPOLITAN BAR JOURNAL | 31
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