Page 27 - January 2020 BarJournal
P. 27

                                    MENTAL HEAL                                           COLUMN
                                                          COLUMN ETHICS PERSEPECTIVETH & WELLNESS

            She never revealed to them how much she
            drank. She didn’t believe that drinking was the
            problem.                                  When You Need Straight Answers
              One morning, she had a horrible hangover,
            and couldn’t imagine living this way any
            longer. She called OLAP and told them the
            truth about her drinking. She went in for an
            assessment, and has been in recovery ever

            D.H., from alcoholic to crackhead
            D.H. was a party girl all through high
            school and college. She never suffered any
            consequences from it, so she never thought she
            had a problem. To her, partying was the only
            source of fun and entertainment. She went to
            law school as a non-traditional, did well, but
            her drinking progressed.
              As she continued to party, someone        White-Collar Criminal Defense and Investigations
            introduced her to cocaine, and she started
            using it habitually. She started to miss work.   PAUL M. SHIPP  BRENT M. BUCKLEY  J. TIMOTHY BENDER
            She knew she needed help, but was worried
            about her job. She explained her problem to
            her law firm, who asked OLAP for help. She                       216.363.1400   |   ATLANTA  CLEVELAND  PHOENIX
            went to rehab, believing that she was a drug
            addict, not an alcoholic.
              D.H.  stopped drinking  and  using  for  a
            couple  years,  but  nothing  changed  inside  of
            her. She never surrendered to her addictions.
            After a couple years, she became bored and
            irritable. She was at a function and decided to   Florida. Before getting on the plane to rehab,   I  am  so  proud  of  these  women  for
            have a drink. She told herself she didn’t have a   she smoked crack, but the high wore off as   sharing their stories. They are helping our
            problem with alcohol, just drugs, and that she   she was on the plane. She started to panic and   profession  understand  mental health and
            obviously didn’t have a problem since she had   thought about reality. Will she ever be able to   substance use disorders. They are giving
            been sober for two years.          practice law again? How could treatment work   others the courage to seek help. Let’s help
              Soon, her drinking progressed to drinking   this time, if it didn’t work the first time? How   each other. If you see colleagues who are
            to  black  out.  She  had  no  control  over  how   can she cope with no numbing agents?  struggling, reach out to them. If you feel
            much she drank. She picked up where she left   When she got to treatment, she slept. When   you need help, ask for it. It’s not a sign of
            off. She then rediscovered cocaine. Instead of   she woke up, things were different. She started   weakness; it’s a sign of courage. Don’t be
            seeking help, she progressed to using crack   to  feel  safe  and  that  she  could  control  this   afraid to share your story.
            cocaine. She could not stop, and she didn’t   disease. After 30 days of in-patient treatment,   If you find yourself stressed, anxious, or
            care. She used crack to cope.      D.H. started her sober life.        overwhelmed, seek help. The Ohio Lawyers
              She got divorced, and the only thing that   There  are  several  common  themes  in   Assistance Program helps lawyers, judges
            mattered to her was getting high. She lied to   each story.            and law students manage life’s stresses.
            people and thought to herself that she would   •  Many addicts  live in denial that they  can   OLAP has saved lives, careers, marriages
            get it together tomorrow, that way no one   control their addiction, but the disease   and families. All inquiries are confidential.
            would know. She was afraid to seek help. Being   progresses until you seek help or hit rock   (800) 348-4343
            a  crackhead  was  embarrassing.  She  thought   bottom.
            she would be judged and would never be able   •  Willpower doesn’t help with mental health
            to recover. She couldn’t admit that she was   issues or addiction. You cannot will yourself   Scott R. Mote, Esq. is the Executive Director of
            powerless and out of control.        to feel better.                   the Ohio Lawyers Assistance Program (OLAP).
              D.H. would stay up for five or six days   •  Many suffer from dual-diagnosis, which   If you are an attorney who is stressed, anxious,
            getting high. One day she looked in the mirror   begins as a mental health issue and leads to   or overwhelmed, OLAP can help. OLAP has
            after smoking crack and knew that she needed   drinking or drug use to cope.  saved lives, careers, marriages and families. All
            help  to  save  her  life.  She  contacted  OLAP,   •  Addiction is a disease that you cannot   inquiries are confidential. He can be reached
            which recommended a treatment center in   control.                     at (800) 348-4343 or

            JANUARY 2020                                                               CLEVELAND METROPOLITAN BAR JOURNAL | 27
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