Page 28 - January 2020 BarJournal
P. 28




                              BY JONATHAN B. LEIKEN & CAITLIN A. BELL

           n-house lawyers are sometimes called the   world’s oldest written constitution, drafted by John   In  Upjohn v. United States,  the Supreme  Court
           “conscience” of a corporation. This descrip-  Adams, and serving as a model for the U.S. Con-  found that a broad corporate attorney-client privi-
           tion — lawyer as conscience — is one way   stitution). By its own words, the U.S. Constitution   lege is important  to  our  democratic principles,
           of thinking about what a lawyer does. In this   is “the supreme Law of the Land,” above all three   explaining that “[t]he privilege recognizes that
        I model, the legal profession acts as a guide or   branches of the federal government and above the   sound legal advice or advocacy serves public ends
        a beacon to help clients, judges, juries, and even the   governments and laws of the states. U.S. Constitu-  and that such advice or advocacy depends upon
        public move toward just outcomes. The model ex-  tion, Art. VI, Clause 2 (the “Supremacy Clause”).   the lawyer’s being fully informed by the client.” 449
        plains in part why some students choose law school   The Constitution is intended to codify as law the   U.S. 383, 388 (1981). Justice Rehnquist highlighted
        in the first place, inspired by fictional lawyers like   highest ideals and values of the country. The three   the  American  corporate  lawyer’s  role  as  teacher
        Atticus Finch or legal icons like Clarence Darrow,   federal branches of government are bound by this   and guide, writing that, “[i]n light of the vast and
        Thurgood Marshall, Sandra Day O’Connor, or   supreme law: the legislature may pass laws consis-  complicated array of regulatory legislation con-
        Ruth Bader Ginsburg — lawyers well-known for   tent with the Constitution, the executive faithfully   fronting the modern corporation, corporations,
        seeking just outcomes in the world. If the legal pro-  executes those laws under the Constitution, and the   unlike most individuals, ‘constantly go to lawyers
        fession is a tool of justice, a lawyer working inside a   judiciary interprets those laws through the prism of   to find out how to obey the law.’” Id. at 392 (cita-
        company can be seen as guiding the entity toward   the Constitution. In America, the law itself is the   tion omitted).
        lawfulness, advancing just ends as a primary goal.  conscience of society.  Similarly, American corporate compliance is
          Corporations, however, are complex organisms   A society defined by the rule of law relies   enforced by government lawyers at the United
        with many working parts, whose decisions are   upon lawyers, trained practitioners of the law,   States Department of Justice and Securities & Ex-
        shaped by multiple inputs. In larger companies,   to ensure that the law is both understood and   change Commission. The DOJ’s April 2019 Evalu-
        the in-house lawyer is one influencer among many,   followed. Lawyers are ingrained in all aspects of   ation of Corporate Compliance Programs is a guide
        including employees from finance, strategy, human   America’s self-governance by its citizens. Indeed,   to prosecutors about evaluating a corporation’s
        resources, sales, marketing, and other areas. In ad-  the legal profession is one of very few specifically   compliance function as part of the legal determi-
        dition to addressing purely legal considerations, the   mentioned in the Constitution.  U.S. Constitu-  nation of whether to indict an entity. This DOJ
        institutional lawyer is also expected to take into ac-  tion, Art. III (regarding judges and the judicial   memorandum  and  other  lawyerly pronounce-
        count the stated goals of the organizational client,   branch), Art. VI (“In all criminal prosecutions,   ments are relied on broadly in corporate America
        whether commercial, governmental, educational,   the accused shall enjoy the right ... to have the   — companies refer to these as the standards for
        charitable, or some combination of all of these.   Assistance of Counsel for his defence.”).  good corporate compliance. It is unsurprising that
        There is not always an obvious or singular “just”   American society relies on lawyers to uphold   many corporate compliance functions in America
        answer to complex questions, particularly inside a   and sustain the rule of law. Consequently, lawyers   report to, or are regularly reviewed and monitored
        corporation.                        are expected to abide by higher standards  than   by, the company’s general counsel or other senior
          The idea of the in-house lawyer as the con-  most other professions. American lawyers are of-  lawyers  to  ensure that  the  compliance  program
        science of the American corporation is rooted in   ficers of the court, required to act with loyalty to the   meets the standards and expectations embedded
        our democracy. This is because the American ex-  law — above all to the Constitution — and to follow   in American law.
        periment of self-government by citizens through   a code of professional legal ethics. In most, if not all,   While the roles of prosecutors, judges, defense
        a written constitution is defined, above all else, by   states, to become licensed as a lawyer, the applicant   attorneys, and outside counsel in upholding our
        the rule of law. Lawyers in America play a special,   must swear an oath to protect and defend the Con-  constitutional principles are often straightforward,
        foundational role that ties their mission to this con-  stitution, the adherence to which is regulated and   and important in their own way, in-house lawyers
        stitutional framework, whether in private practice,   governed by state and local bar associations and   frequently serve in many roles at once. In addition
        in public service, or inside a corporation.  courts. The Model Rules of Professional Conduct,   to serving as the corporate entity’s advisors and
          In creating “a government of laws, and not of   and similar codes in each state that govern lawyers’   educators on the requirements of the law, corpo-
        men,” the Framers of the U.S. Constitution estab-  behavior, also require a lawyer to act, among other   rate attorneys often also act as the organization’s
        lished a society in which the law and legal prin-  things, with loyalty to current and former clients,   fact-finder/investigator, advocate, gatekeeper, and
        ciples are preeminent and permeate every aspect   candor to the court, fairness to opposing parties,   rule-maker. In-house lawyers are often expected
        of American life, including American business and   truthfulness, and integrity to the profession.  not only to help the client understand its legal ob-
        other institutional pursuits. Massachusetts Consti-  In America, the attorney-client privilege is cen-  ligations, but also to determine right from wrong
        tution, Part I, Art. XXX (1780) (functioning as the   tral to our understanding of the lawyer’s mission.   and to make decisions that are both lawful and ethi-

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