Page 38 - JulAug2019_BarJournal
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                      BY C. DAVID WITT

        “The Law Is an Ass.”                So why do so many cases settle?    Multiple status hearings
        That was the outrageously amusing comment   Settlement can be a useful alternative. Going to   Multiple status hearings, as opposed to a single
        of Mr. Bumble, a Charles Dicken’s character in   trial regarding possession and money may not   trial, may be characterized as a burdensome
        his novel  Oliver Twist. But if Mr. Bumble had   be the most practical resolution. Compliance   time  resource  for  a  court,  but  that  is  simply
        stumbled into Cleveland’s Housing Court as   with statutory notice requirements and the   not the case. The Housing Court’s experience
        a landlord or tenant, he might have reached a   principles of equity and law can impact the   is that the vast majority of status hearings are
        more positive conclusion: “This Court isn’t just a   outcome of a case. The tenant’s consequences   brief, the parties not having to return to the
        decider! It has a range of ASSETS to help advance   emerging from a Court-dictated decision can   Court so long as compliance with the  terms
        dispute resolution!”                also  be problematic. An eviction judgment   of the settlement has been achieved. A status
          At Cleveland’s Housing Court, thanks to the   can impose an abrupt departure for the   hearing is distinguishable from a trial. The
        efforts of former Judge Raymond L. Pianka,   tenant and the existence of the eviction as   latter may take a significant amount of time
        and our current Judge Ronald J. H. O’Leary,   a public record may affect credit status and   but a status hearing is brief, limited to very
        more than 80% of cases routed through dispute   future rental opportunities.   specific objective standards of performance set
        resolution do in fact settle. This is remarkable   A settlement, on the other hand, commonly   forth in the Agreed Judgment Entry.
        given that the Court operates in one of the most   crafted as an Agreed Judgment Entry, can be a   Judge Ronald J. H. O’Leary has provided
        contentious legal environments in the State of   better  resolution.  Rather  than  simply  going  to   additional Court assets to help to advance
        Ohio. Eviction may be an interaction between   trial, the parties can agree that the tenant will   settlement.
        individuals with wealth and individuals with   depart by a specified date. They can also agree   The number of dispute resolution specialists
        limited income; in other cases it is a dispute   that money will be paid on an incremental basis   has expanded. Their actions are essential in
        between two financially-distressed parties,   prior to departure. Such an agreement creates a   providing  linkage  between  the  goals  of  the
        each with a great deal at stake. The abrupt   certainty of outcome for the landlord and affords   parties and the assets of the Court. They
        loss of possession on the part of a tenant can   the tenant a “graceful exit.” In some instances,   provide services such as educating parties and
        be emotionally and physically distressing. The   entries are crafted by mutual agreement that   counsel as to the availability of status hearings,
        loss of rent conferred to a landlord can have   permit restoration of the tenancy rather than a   arranging the status hearings, and drafting the
        its own negative consequence, particularly for   departure, predicated upon a series of payments,   Agreed Judgment Entries setting forth well-
        landlords with only one or two rental units.   past and future rent, going forward.   defined objective performance standards to be
                                              Vigilance in monitoring a settlement   monitored by the Court.
                                            agreement is a major asset. Dispute
            PRIVATE MEDIATOR                resolution specialists have the authority to   Time is an asset as well.
            Private Mediator
         THOMAS REPICKY, ESQ.               set up a series of status hearings after the   The  dispute  resolution specialists  frequently
          thoMas rePicky, esq.

           Tort, Employment, Commercial     crafting of an agreement. If the payments   review the pleadings of cases before conferences
           Tort, Employment, Commercial
                                                                               take place. This affords them the opportunity to
              and Malpractice Claims        are made and if the tenant departs as
               and Malpractice Claims
                                            agreed, the status hearings will not trigger   craft proposed Agreed Judgement Entries that
                           Effective & Experienced   a judgment. But if there is a default on the   are then made available for consideration by
                    Effective & Experienced
                                                                               parties and counsel and which, of course, can be
                    Over 1,500 Mediationss
                          Over 1,400 Mediation  part of the tenant along the way, the status
                                            hearing will generate possession and money   embraced, modified, or rejected by the parties,
                    Mediated Claims
                              Mediated Claims    judgments. From the landlord’s perspective,   but which, in any event, will help to enhance
                    $10,000 to $12 million
                          $10,000 to $12 million                               settlement discussion. The specialists are also
                                            the agreement will assure a certain outcome
                  (440) 247-3898
                  (440) 247-3898            of the possession issue. Independent money   permitted to arrange a second or third settlement
          lawsuits  are  also  managed  by  the  Court   conference. This can be useful for a variety of

         utilizing incremental terms of payment and   reasons. Continuing evidence discovery after a

                                            status hearings.                   first conference can bring greater clarification
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