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            to prove their case. Both parties should have
            all  the  information they need to resolve  the
            dispute that day.

            Insufficient mediation statements
            Mediation statements are often overlooked
            by attorneys. While they spend hours crafting
            summary  judgment  motions,  opening
            and closing arguments, or appellate briefs,
            mediation statements are often thrown together
            at the last minute, despite the fact that the case is
            more likely to settle than to be won on summary
            judgment, at trial, or on appeal.
              Mediation statements should be both fully
            developed and timely submitted.
              Mediation statements are summaries of the
            factual claims and legal arguments. The statement   not  resolved  at  mediation.  Discuss  the  legal   The good news is that impressions evolve and
            should give the mediator all the information they   arguments, what the evidence will show, why   can even be overturned. While you may not get
            need to facilitate the mediation. If the mediator   your case will appeal to the judge or jury, why   a second chance to make a first impression, you
            has a strong understanding of the facts, the   theirs may not, and predict the likely outcomes.  can create an opportunity to change one.
            law, and the parties’ arguments, then they won’t                         How can this be accomplished? Here are some
            have to waste valuable time at the  mediation   Persons with authority to settle not in   approaches that can minimize or even reframe
            exploring  these  and  trying  to  understand  the   attendance        that false impression during the mediation:
            parties’ positions.                Another significant obstacle to settling the dispute   Being straightforward, honest, open-minded,
              Also, submit the statement to the mediator   occurs when the person with adequate authority   and fair. These behaviors can go a long way
            well in advance of the mediation so they have   to settle  — or the ultimate decision-maker — is   toward changing someone’s perspective.
            time to read it and prepare. Again, this will save   not physically present at the mediation.
            valuable time at the mediation.      When not present, the ultimate decision-  Proving who’s right
                                               maker is usually available by phone. However,   People have an inherent need to prove they’re
            Failure to discuss impasse         anyone not present at the mediation can be very   right. But mediation is not the place to do that.
            What happens if the parties reach impasse   difficult to persuade. They haven’t experienced   A disputant is not going to change the other
            during mediation? If impasse is reached and   the dynamics of the negotiation. They haven’t   party’s mind about what happened, how they
            you don’t have an answer to this question, the   heard everything that has been shared by the   feel about it, and who’s right.
            mediation will not likely move forward.  parties. They don’t have a feel for what has   The mediation is not about who is right and
              The mediator and the parties should discuss   taken place in the mediation session, so they   who is wrong. It’s about the risks involved with
            impasse and how it will be dealt with at the start   tend to remain fixed in their position. All of   litigation and the best outcome for both parties.
            of the mediation. What happens if and when the   these things simply cannot be conveyed over   Instead of focusing on who is right and who is
            parties reach impasse? What steps will they take?   the phone. Also, the mediator cannot facilitate   wrong, the parties should focus on what will
            Will they take a break? Change the venue? Resume   the mediation effectively if they cannot   happen if the case is not resolved at mediation.
            another day? What happens to the progress that   communicate directly with that person.  That’s all that matters.
            was made before reaching impasse? Did the   The parties, their attorneys, and the
            parties reach agreement on those issues or are   mediator should inquire into and identify   Conclusion
            they back to square one? These are the questions   who has the ultimate settlement authority   Every mediation will have its own obstacles. But
            that should be addressed at the outset to prevent   before the mediation, then make every effort   knowing these obstacles and preparing for them
            impasse from sabotaging the mediation.   to ensure that that person is physically present   at the outset will provide the best opportunity
                                               at the mediation.                   for the parties to resolve their dispute at
            Ditching the opening statement                                         mediation.
            Should  you use an  opening statement?  This   False impressions and perceptions
            question is often debated. Let’s ask a different   First impressions matter. Why? Because they’re
            question. Why do disputants settle? They settle   difficult to change. And they lead to lasting   Aaron Schmidt is the Vice Chairman
            because they determine that the proposed deal   perceptions about people and their positions   of Ohio’s State Employment Relations
            is better than the likely alternatives.   which can be an obstacle to resolving a dispute.  Board, which administers the state’s
              An  opening  statement  provides  an  First impressions are usually made long before   collective bargaining laws for public
            opportunity to lay out those likely alternatives   the mediation. Unfortunately, research suggests   employers and employees. He is a
            and show the other side what they look like.   that first impressions can be so powerful that   graduate of Cleveland-Marshall College of Law.
            Consider using an opening statement and   they’re  weighed  more  heavily  than  fact.  And   He has been a CMBA member since 2004. He can
            tell the other side what happens if the case is   disputes often cause false perceptions.  be reached at
            JULY/AUGUST 2019                                                           CLEVELAND METROPOLITAN BAR JOURNAL | 43
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