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            as to the prospects for settlement. And on a   an additional eviction judgment having been
            number of occasions, parties simply need time to   rendered against the tenant.   C. David Witt is an ADR Specialist
            reconsider what they’ve heard and what they’ve   The option of the sealing of a record has   with the Cleveland Housing Court
            witnessed and what they’ve reviewed as a sample   become a valuable asset the dispute resolution   and an adjunct professor at Case
            Agreed Judgment Entry. If there is an impasse   specialists can utilize within the settlement   Western Reserve University. He
            following one or more conferences, a dispute   process to the advantage of both the landlord   has been a CMBA member since
            resolution specialist can email or mail additional   and  the  tenant.  A  landlord  can  agree  to   2014. He can be reached at (216) 664-6105 or
            alternative resolutions for consideration by the   endorse a sealing of the record, but with the
            parties.  Settlement  discussion  need  not  be  a   sealing of the record predicated upon the
            single moment in time.             tenant complying with possession and money
                                               commitments  set forth in  the  settlement
            Another  asset  is the  Cleveland’s Housing   agreement.
            Court’s Social Service Referral Program.   Some assets invoked by the Cleveland   Niki Z. Schwartz
            Tenants who are aged, or are veterans, or who   Housing Court may be characterized as unique
            have a mental health diagnosis, can obtain   or specialized, given the context of the Court.   Mediator/Arbitrator
            assistance  from  a  referral  specialist  who  can   However, that should not preclude other courts
            help to ease the consequences of an eviction.   from examining the standardized needs of
            Behavior issues such as a Hoarding Disorder   parties that appear before them. Other assets
            can sometimes be the basis for an eviction. But   are useful for all courts. Courts can have the
            an agreement can be achieved preserving a lease,   flexibility,  with  the  assistance  of  a  dispute
            predicated upon the tenant agreeing to utilize   resolution specialist, to include settlement
            the resources of available agencies to help resolve   elements beyond the pleadings themselves.
            the tenant’s behavioral problems—the Court,   Examples include apologies, agreements to
            as always, remaining vigilant to monitor the   avoid future contact, and a full resolution
            commitment on the part of the tenant.  of all claims. A settlement can be privatized
              Judge O’Leary has recently introduced an   with confidentiality requirements, the court
            additional asset. Many landlords, in assessing a   retaining jurisdiction to monitor the settlement.
            potential  tenant, examine whether  an eviction   Charles Dickens wrote another novel,  A
            case has been filed against the tenant at any time,   Tale of Two Cities, in which he observed “it   “If he can settle
            irrespective of the outcome. This means that as a   was the best of times,” and “the worst of times.”   a prison riot,
            practical matter, the simple filing of an eviction—  Had he found his way to Cleveland’s Housing
            which becomes a matter of public record—can   Court, he likely would have reaffirmed that   he can settle
            be  a  kind  of “scarlet  letter”  for  a  tenant.  Even   position, calling it  A Tale of Two Litigants,
            if a tenant wins the eviction case, or the case is   somebody winning and somebody losing.   anything!”
            dismissed, or the landlord is later made whole,   But thanks to the assets generated by Judges
            the damage is already done.        Pianka and O’Leary, dispute resolution can be
              To combat this problem, the Cleveland   an alternative good time to the benefit of both   216-696-7100
            Housing Court now allows parties to file   Plaintiff and Defendant. In the words of B. B.
            motions to seal eviction records. Generally, a   King, let’s expand dispute resolution so that we
            tenant’s record can only be sealed where: 1) the   can “let the good times roll!”
            Court dismissed a claim or entered judgment in
            favor of the tenant, 2) the landlord dismissed the
            claim for possession, or 3) the landlord agreed
            to a sealing of the record. In all cases, the Court
            requires the tenant’s motion to seal to be served               Michael Jackson, Retired Judge
            upon the landlord who obtained the judgment so                 Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas
            that the landlord has an opportunity to respond.
              There is one additional scenario where a tenant’s              Mediator    Arbitrator     Private Judge
            record may be sealed. If a landlord prevailed on                 216-280-5502
            the merits of the claim for possession—but there
            were extenuating circumstances that led to the
            eviction such as medical issues and/or loss of                           Business / Public Sector
            employment, a tenant may have the opportunity                              Malpractice / Injury
            to seek a sealing of the record. But in such an                           Labor / Employment
            instance, the Court will only consider the motion
            where at least five years have elapsed without
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