P. 6

Welcome to Fellowship Tabernacle International_FTL Praise and Worship Team

               I will not take it for granted that you are here by chance--but by choice.

               1. You have made a conscious decision to be here.

               2. You were led here by the Holy Spirit. And you have decided.

               I do pray and hope you were led here by the Holy Spirit. We serve with the
               vision of Christ, the pastor, and of the church all in the full view of God and
               with the help of the Holy Spirit.

               Being a part of the team must be taken into deep and prayerful consideration.
               One must be called and chosen. Anointed and appointed by God. And one's
               answer to the call of God must be a resounding yes wholeheartedly.

               This  is  that  willingness to  offer  one's  body  as  a  living sacrifice,  holy  and
               acceptable which is your reasonable act of worship. (Romans 12:1)

               As members of Fellowship tabernacle International Praise and Worship Family, we are
               born again believers. We are not just hearers of The Word, but doers also. Our lives model
               Christ and we cannot do things the way the world does things. We are called to a life of
               sacrifice. We are set apart unto righteousness, built on the Word of God. Therefore, your

               life,  character  should  be  exemplary.  This  should  not  only  be  seen  in  the  ministry  but
               everywhere, your social setting, the outside world, this includes friends and family, social
               Media postings. You are a walking and singing bible. Just as the same way Jesus walked

               the earth. He only did what His Father told Him to do and spoke only what His Father
               told Him to say. Believe it or not, we are here to do the same

               Being part of this team, together, we are the carriers of the Presence of God. We are the
               biggest and one of the most visible examples. For that reason, we must worship in Spirit

               and Truth! That is our Ultimate Goal. We must honor, value and treasure God above all

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