P. 10

1.  Is this the church God has assigned you to? That assignment might be permanent,
                   or it might be temporary. That part is God’s concern. No one else can do what YOU do;

                   you are unique and an essential part of the body of Christ (Romans 12:4-5). It does not
                   make you better. It makes you vital. You can choose to be used by God and experience
                   something so incredible, you will sell everything to find that treasure. (Matthew 13:44).

                   2.  Can you carry the vision of the ministry? It is not about you. It’s about where you
                   have been assigned. There is only one vision in the House of God. The Worship should

                   help  promote  the  vision  of  the  house.  The  vision  of  the  house  should  magnify  God.
                   (Colossians 3:17) Your motive must be to express the thoughts, will, and purpose of God.

                   3.  You are a servant. Whether you are a member of the team or the leader of the team,

                   you are to be an example of what Jesus modeled. Jesus came to serve and not to be served.
                   Ultimately, you are called to a life of sacrifice. (Matt. 20:28).

                   4.  The talent is yours, but God empowers you. You see it all the time. There are people
                   that sing, dance, and show all kinds of talent. However, the one thing they are missing for
                   ministry is the anointing of God. As a team member and as a team leader, you need the

                   presence of God—the anointing, to minister effectively.

                   5.  Your family must remain a priority. Yes, you have been called to ministry, but it is

                   important that open lines of communication exist, especially between married couples,
                   so that Satan does not have a means to bring a division between you and your spouse.
                   Keep the balance—keep the peace.
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