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Mission of Fellowship Tabernacled International Praise and Worship Ministry
We are singing theologians. It is our responsibility to participate through obedience. “We Let
the word of Christ dwell in us richly; teach and admonish one another in all wisdom; and with
gratitude in our hearts sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God. And whatever we do,
in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father
through him” (Col. 3: 16–17)
We are empowered by the Holy spirit. We are God's mouthpiece, a vessel on a
mission, only with the agenda of the Kingdom of heaven One voice, backed up by the
Word of God and the Holy Spirit. One Army. One Voice.
❖ Lead people to an encounter with God through connecting with God and preparing
them for His word.
❖ Be a faithful participant in the life of this congregation as demonstrated by your
❖ Use your talents to the best of your ability, worshipping with your entire being
(heart, soul, mind, hands, feet, face etc.)
❖ If leading the Worship experience, choose songs that reflect the ability of the team as
well as the song leader’s ability to minister the chosen song(s) under the anointing,
passion, and energy of the assigned song. It is by the power and leading of the Holy
Spirit that worship from our heart we will be free, anointed, acceptable, and life
changing. God’s Word is unchanging.
We must commit His truth to memory and apply it to our lives. (1 Corinthians 2:4,
John 4:23)
❖ Memorize the song. It is vital to learn the song so that you can lead confidently and
effectively as you engage in worship.