P. 11
Rehearsals are very essential and the place where we should make the necessary corrections.
It’s a preview of what’s to come. Sunday morning services, funeral, wedding, concerts etc. It
is what prepares you for coming events. And should never be taken lightly.1st you rehearse
with yourself, on your personal time and 2nd corporately. And though we know we rehearse
together I often say we don't rehearse alone we rehearse with God. It’s our appointment we
are meeting with Him. And we should never be late. Which brings us to the next point.
Be prompt. Saturday rehearsal Starts at 8:30 a.m. Unless stated otherwise. It is a
requirement for every member to attend rehearsal. If unable to make it please communicate
to the Worship Leader beforehand, spoken or written and state your reason for absence.
Transparency is key.
Be Present. Being at rehearsal is not enough. Stop coming & thinking or wishing you have
to be somewhere else. Being present means not to be distracted by issues, personal things
that needed to get done and you didn't get the chance to do them, Mind wandering, Extra
talking, texting on your phone, playing on your phone, time wasting. No social media. Value
the time and value each other. Be focused. Don’t be double minded. You may miss what God
is trying to do and important detailed instruction. Settle your mind before you get here to
rehearsal. We Reverence God even in our rehearsal. God should be pleased.
Participate. Participation is very important this is the physical action done and seen by
others. People are watching. There must be an integrity in worship and actions in songs being
sung. Be true to the action of the words in the song. THERE IS WORSHIP EVEN IN
REHEARSAL. The very thing we seek to happen on a Sunday. GOD seeks to happen in
Rehearsals too. Here are ways we worship singing, standing, shouting, praying, dancing,
sitting, clapping, laying prostate, lifting holy hands and bowing down.
How is God Speaking to us when He commands us to go the extra mile, beyond our comfort
zone? We are Called to Extravagant Worship. Now is the time we are called to respond. It is
our responsibility to respond to HIM.
Always Work on Your Craft.
Warm Up warm up should be done before rehearsal and before worship. We should not pay
less attention to our instrument which is our voice. Always add to learning. And practice
what was already taught It is your responsibility to work on your craft. Music should never
be taken lightly.