P. 9
❖ Dress in a manner that honors Christ. What we wear can sometimes speak louder
than what we say. Be mindful to not dress in a manner that can cause distractions,
such as- tight dresses/blouses/low cleavage lines/tight pants. If you think your attire
is questionable, or that it could distract someone--do not wear it.
❖ Most importantly give glory to our Lord who is worthy of all our worship, and to help
create an atmosphere in which people can be led by the Holy Spirit into an encounter
with God.
❖ Should be minimized to avoid needless challenges for the team. (It is understood that
changes may be necessary, even on a Sunday, however, due diligence should be taken to
ensure the smoothest transition if changes are needed.)
❖ Team leader(s) should ensure color coordination for uniforms each week. Avoid
multiple changes after a decision has been made.
❖ In the event the FTI_FTL Praise and Worship Ministry Leader is unavailable for any
reason, the second chair will perform all the assigned duties of the team leader.
❖ Team members should be prepared to conclude the service at the end of the sermon
with mics in hand and ready to move to the front of the sanctuary. They must be
standing at the side waiting to move forward, not sitting waiting for the sermon to
Worship Team Requirements
● Demonstrate an honest, authentic desire to live a life that is honoring to Jesus
● Regularly attend weekend services at church
● Demonstrate appropriate musical or technical ability and fit
Before you consider your place on the team or as the Leader of the Praise Team, there
are at least five things you must know and ask: