Page 179 - 李增宗-花緣李增宗90結緣
P. 179

The Affinity For Flowers  Meeting everyone on my 90th birthday


               (1) Do birdj؂Αಂගf                                      faith)f
               (2) A bird in the hand is worth 2 in bushjɓ௢ί˓௷ཀᕐ  (22) To get the birdj஗ᄚeࢃໝeࡀ੹f(To be hissed;
                  ௢ί؍f                                                to be given a hostile reception; to get the goose or
               (3) Birds of a feather flock togetherjي˸ᗳၳdɓ˳ʘ༝f        Big birds)f
               (4) Early birdjϘৎϘՑٙɛf                             (23) Set / put the cat among the pigeonsjεᄘญԫdˏ
               (5) Kill 2 birds with one stonejɓᑘՇ੻f                  ৎ݊ڢdރᚣʔ༈ރᚣٙԫf
               (6) For the birdsjೌٙ͜dงᚉٙf                         (24) That's not my pigeonjԟʔ݊Ңٙப΂f( வ݊
               (7) Early bird gets / catches the wormjઠԑ΋೮dϘৎ         pidgin ɓοٙႬ͜ )f
                  ϘՑٙɛਗ਼ϞΫజf                                       (25) To pluck a pigeonjൟᗺɓࡈ׸աᗺ٫ٙږ፺f
               (8) A bird of ill omenjʔୂʘ௢dΉ௢fν૤ (owl)dढኃ         (26) Pigeon's bloodjᔽذf
                  (cow, raven)                                    (27) Pigeon Eglishj ݱ ऋ Ᏽ ߵ Ⴇ (Chniese pidgin
               (9) A bird of lucky omenjΛୂʘΊfνዲɿ (swallows)d          English)f
                  ͣᝩ(storks)fӬࡁึ੭Ըఃৃdν፺ৌeᏃՅഃৃࢹf                   (28) The Knight of the swanj˂ᕰᕣɻdމᅃ਷͏ගෂႭ
               (10) A bird of passagejཀ܄eࣚ܄אஞ܄f                       ݂ԫdϞɓЗग़।હп٫࠱Ѭɓጴ͟˂ᕰቷትٙ୵d
               (11) A little bird told me sojϞɛႭ ( މəʔซѓٝऊࢹԸ          ڭᚐɓΤˇɾ݂ٙԫf
                   ๕ٙ։ੈႭج )f                                      (29) The Order of the Swanj1440ϋപतडɚ˰(Frederick
               (12) Birdiej৷ဧ˃ଢЭ׵ᅺ๟ఠ૖ٙႭجdЭՇ૖၈މ                        II) ٙᕣɻኔ௝ (An order of Knighthood)f
                   eaglef                                         (30) The Swan of Avonjԭႆٙ˂ᕰdމ˰ɛ࿁୶ɻˢԭ
               (13) Bird's -eye viewj௢ᐚd࠶ൖf                           ٙᅴ၈ (Avon ئݴཀ୶ॽ̈͛ή Stratfordd݂˸Ϥˏ
               (14) Bird walking weatherjڌͪ˂ंᕸீədஹ௢ே͜                 ఏ )f
                   ໔Ԑ༩ (the weather is so bad, even the birds are   (31) The Swan of Lichfieldjτࢆg౶ശᅃ݊ߵ਷ईဘ˴
                   walking)f                                          ່་ɛdஷ੬஗၈މԢփിဧᅃٙ˂ᕰ (The name
               (15) Fine feathers make fine birdsjฮͪԒ΅ʔ                given to Anna Seward the poetess-1747~1809)f
                      ޴ৣ (Said of an overdressed person who       (32) The Swan of Mantuajᖯ৵་ɛdܲ Virgil ̈͛ί່
                    does not really match up to his or her clothes)f  ɽлਟྡڛdΪϤ၈ʘf
               (16) Old birds are not to be caught with chaffjᆞঐ̷͛  (33) The Swan of Meanderjܸஃ৵dί̚Ҏᖳٙџ༷་
                   (Experience teaches wisdom)                        ɛd͛׵ʃԭ୚ԭd̰׼f޴ෂ˼Иί༈ήٙ׼ᅃ֦
               (17) One beats the bush, another takes the birdj௶ʈ     ࣙf
                   ԔාʈЪdϼᒮѬϗՉл (The workman does the              (34) The swan with two necksjߵό৷ॴৢыٙᅺႦf
                   work, the master makes the money)f             (35) All your Geese are swansjఏ˨͎଻ʕٙɿɾே݊Ꮄ
               (18) The Arabian bird: The phoenix birdjჾ਑eʔϥ௢d        Ӹٙ (All your children are paragons)f
                   ࡾʿग़༑d޴ෂӊ 5~6 ϵϋdϤ௢ึक˦ࠠ͛dʕ਷                     (36) All your swans are geesejҖ࢙ЫהϞٙҎૐၾಂܙ
                   ෂႭ၈ჾ਑d͵މʔϥ൥ᅄeҁɛeഒ˾Գɛeഒ˰                            ѩ஗ᗇྼໝ٤f
                   ޜۜf                                            (37) To swan about or aroundjඝጺ
               (19) The bird of Junojˆ௚ (The peacock)             (38) Swan-maidensjෂႭʕܸ˂ᕰʘᗳٙ௢ᗳd୭ɨϻ
               (20) The bird of Washingtonjܸߕ਷אӹ᜻ (The                Вܝᜊϓɛᗳɾ׌̮ٙڌf
                   American or balded eagle)f                     (39) Swan-uppingjߵ਷इ૊ɻئ˂ᕰd׳࠭ᄃόf
               (21) Thou hast kept well the bird in thy bosomj׀ࠊא  (40) Pigeon pairjӲɾᕐߤߣ (Boy & girl twins)f
                   ׀༐ (Thou has remained faithful to thy allegiance or   (41) Pigeon's milkj͎ᓀ੽෣ᚾʕΟ̈͜˸ᒸᕑᓀٙ̒ऊ

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