Page 180 - 李增宗-花緣李增宗90結緣
P. 180

ʷ૰᜗iงɛືᗺʃ܀̘ࣅٙʔπίٙ؇Гf                               ආҸᖯ৵ग़ํࣛd໊ᕰ೯ᑊˏৎᙆሊٙءจϾ༯ཀɓ
         (42) Pigeon-chestedjᕒ঍d঍द॥Ͼ߉̈f                         оf
         (43) Pigeon-holej˖΁ࣸdʱᗳݖf                           (74) Dark horsejঐɢଉᔛʔᚣf
         (44) Pigeon toejɛٙᕐ໔ʫᛃٙɞο໔f                         (75) Back the wrong horsej˕̰ܵ઻٫f
         (45) Have the digestion of an ostrichj఻˷ঐऊʷ΂О؇      (76) Eat like a horsejɽΦ
             Гd࠮ඎɽdߞɹλf                                      (77) Straight from the horse's mouthjৃࢹٜટԸІϞᗫ
         (46) Ostrich beliefjІಜdᔛ᎘ᚣ҈ٙ৚ᒒ˴່dᎪ௢ː                   ɛɻf
             ࿒f͵၈ Ostrich policy                             (78) Flogging a dead horsejؑ൬ၚɢf
         (47) Eaglej৷ဧ˃ଢʕdˢᅺ๟૖ˇՇ૖fߕ਷਷Ꮟf                      (79) Hold your horsejʔࠅላਗf
         (48) Eagle-eyedjͦΈቚлٙdɓകʔ߼f                         (80) A horse of another / A different colourjҁΌ̤݊ɓ
         (49) Parrotjʔٝהʛdϥߠdᔧࠑf                                Ϋԫf
         (50) Parrot-cryjɛʛ͵ʛٙࢁႧdɹ᎘ᐥf                        (81) Don't look a gift horse in the mouthjʔࠅܿ࡜йɛ
         (51) Parrot fashionjʔ༆Չ່ࠠᔧෂࠑf                          ٙᓿيf
         (52) MagpiejᙘЉٙɛ                                    (82) Put the cart before the cartj͉͋ࡀໄf
         (53) Count one's chicken before they are hatchedj͂ν  (83) A willing horsejλٙൺၺdλᏍ˓f
             จၑᆵf                                            (84) Work like a horsejርɢήʈЪf
         (54) Chicken breastjᕒ঍͵̣ Pigeon breast              (85) You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it
         (55) Chicken-heartedjᑔʃٙf                              drinkjഛจʔԑ˸ϓԫdʔঐ੶ܲ᎘f
         (56) Chicken-or-the-egg controversyjᕒ΋אஐ΋ʘنf        (86) Hobby horsej˝৵eศ৵e϶৵f
         (57) Children and chicken must always be PickingjThey   (87) The wooden horse of Troyjतݾͺ˝৵݊˝৵ਜ਼۬
             are always hungry and ready to eatjᏃՅၾʃᕒც          া༁dҎᖳࠏඟίतݾͺ኷نʕd͜ԸҸॎतݾͺٙ
             ࠅʔᓙආ࠮f                                             ԟʸ˝৵f
         (58) Cruses, like chicken, come home to roastjիɛ٫І  (88) A dark horsejʔฌੵ౮ٙɛdଉᔛʔᚣٙɛf
             իd࢔ɛˀ࢔ʉf                                        (89) A horse of another colourjҁߕ̤݊ɓΫԫdઋرҁ
         (59) Break one's duckj༶ਗᒄ͂ॎᎭஐf                         ΌʔΝf
         (60) Ducks and drakesj͂˥ဎ༷Ꮥf                        (90) Act / play the goatjߡችdᑘਗงᚉ୑௉f
         (61) Play ducks & drakes with moneyj඾ڀ፺dҪ፺͂         (91) Get someone's goatjԴɛ๨ᙍf
             ˥ဎəf                                            (92) To separate the sheep from goatsjʱ፫λɛၾᕸɛf
         (62) A fine day for young ducks.. ڠ˂                 (93) Make a pig of oneselfjɽΦɽఀf
         (63) In two shakes of a ducks tail j  ᐛ  ග  =In half a   (94) Pigs might flyjԟϞவΫԫf
             shake=in a brace of shakes. Or in the shakes of a   (95) Bring / drive one's pigs to a fine marketj͂፹ၑᆵd
             lamb's tail                                        Ԑ፹ژᓟf
         (64) Duck out ofjᒒකd৚ᒒf                             (96) Buy a pig in a poke jᆶ൯d඾൯f
         (65) Cook someone's goosej࣒઻ݔɛࠇྌf                   (97) In pigj( ͎ሥ ) ᕿ̳f
         (66) Kill the goose the lays / laid the golden eggsj૨ᕒ  (98) Die the death of a dogjᆍࡀϾϥf
             ՟фf                                             (99) Dog does not eat dogjೳ͵Ϟ༸f
         (67) He/She can't say boo to a goosej฽މᑔʃf          (100) Dog eat dogjІ޴ಞ૨
         (68) All one's geese are swansjԊཀՉྼf                (101) A dog in the mangerjَЦ৵ᅻdːஔʔԄf
         (69) The goose hangs (hanks) highjۃ௄Ϟૐf             (102) A dog's chancej฽Ϟࠢٙዚึ
         (70) The old woman is picking her goosej͍ίɨ௛f       (103) A hair of the dog that bit a personj˸ݭҸݭf
         (71) Goose Stepj͍Ӊf                                 (104) Eat dogjҜ৓f
         (72) Goose-Stepjሸ͍Ӊd͍ӉԐf                            (105) Go to the dogjᆍࡀeᄦໝḛ઻f
         (73) Geese save the capitaljʮʩۃ 390 ϋ৷ጅɛ࿟ල          (106) Lead a dog's lifejཀే࿘ٙ˚ɿf

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