Page 182 - 李增宗-花緣李增宗90結緣
P. 182

(160) Operate for a bear or to bear the marketjٰୃ̹ఙ  (195) A pretty kettle of fishjᗭ፬ٙԫeᏇ҄ٙ҅ࠦe૿඾e
              ுЭ൯ආf၈މ٤᎘੮˒ (bear account)f                        ඾ɖɞᐲf
         (161) The Northern bearjᘽڶٙၞ໮f                      (196) A queer fishjɓЗփ׉ٙɛf
         (162) Monkey jacketjၡԒ೵̮В ( ˥˓В )f                  (197) All is fish that comes to my nestjԸ٫ʔלf
         (163) Monkey businessjెЪᄌীɛྏٙԫdႆᗺf                  (198) He eats no fishj˼݊ɓЗ༐ྼ̙ቦٙɛe׀༐ٙɛf
         (164) Monkey suitjՓ؂eӲ͜ᓿ؂f                              ܲߵ਷઺ࢯމڌͪ࿁อ઺ٙ׀༐dک஝֛ӊ඄ʞᓈ
         (165) Monkey nutjڀ͛f                                    ˚ʔΦ௡f
         (166) Monkey shinejකِ३eൟಜf                          (199) I have other fish to fryjҢତίܘώdೌجʱԒਞၾ
         (167) Monkey wrenchyjݺਗؐ˓f                              Չ˼ٙԫਕi̤Ϟࠅԫf
         (168) Throw a monkey wrench intojѳᖟeڜᅢࠇྌf           (200) Neither fish, flesh, nor fowl, or neither fish, flesh nor
         (169) Get one's monkey upj͛ंe೯ܟf                        good red herringjʔࡐʔᗳeʔɧʔ̬eڢ᝗ڢ৵f
         (170) Have a monkey on one's backjϞݭᛍeྏెf           (201) The best fish swim near the bottomj߮း͚Ըeʶ
         (171) make a monkey out ofjงғeᏕғf                       ቜԅଭᚣf
         (172) To monkey with or aboutjงғeൟಜf                (202) There is as good fish in the sea as ever came out
         (173) To pay in monkey's moneyj˕˹ಂୃf                    of itj˂ૹОஈೌٹণdО̀ఊᛸɓ˕ڀf
         (174) To suck the monkeyj͜і၍භৢeைৢeᄘ࿁ഹ               (203) To cry stinking fishjй޶ჀІʉdਂɛࠅϞІڦf
              ଧɹఀf                                           (204) To drink like a fishjˬභeཉࠟɽቑf
         (175) Have butterflies in one's stomachjڢ੬ၡੵf        (205) To feed the fishesjั୵eྕΟf
         (176) Butterfly Kissj൴଩႓ٙຓˣᙃຠf                       (206) To fish for complimentsjצᛃכԉdፑӋࢷၪf݂
         (177) Break a butterfly on the wheeljʃᕚɽЪe૨ᕒ͜            จࠅйɛႭᗎ౮ٙ༑f
              ˬɠf                                            (207) To fish in troubled watersjಾ˥࿟௡f
         (178) Butterfly kissesjڗ̼ග˸ຓˣʝ޴ຠᙃךՏࠦ᎔                (208) You must not make fish of one and flesh of the
              ٙਗЪf(A kiss with the lashes, that is stroking the   otherjЫࠅɓൖΝʠdʔࠅێϤᑛ־f
              cheek with one's eyelashes)f                   (209) Fish storyjӮԊeঞࡥٙf
         (179) A bee in one's bonnetjփ׉Ͼոੂٙ޶جdϞݔࡈ            (210) Land one's fishjνᗴՑ˓f
              ।੗ٙ˴จf                                         (211) Neither fish, flesh, nor fowljڢ᝗ڢ৵eʔࡐʔᗳe
         (180) As busy as a beejාኧאрɢʈЪf                         ʔɧʔ̬f
         (181) Bee-linejઠࢰd࠭ዚאˋɻ௰ҞઠٙঘБ༩ᇞf                    (212) Have other fish to fryj̤Ϟࠅԫf
         (182) Husking beej( ߕ ) ࡞͗Ϸಠٙණึf                    (213) Fish or cut baitjӔ֛՟વf
         (183) Spelling bee matchjܳοˢᒄf                      (214) Boys will be boysj͉׌ᗭ୅f
         (184) Quilting beej੉ɾίɓৎᐻႡڀ७ಗ஗ٙၳึf                  (215) Children and fools tell the truthj܀ɿၾ෇ɿɹʕೌ
         (185) As chirpy / lively as a cricketjܘҞᆀf              ൟႧf
         (186) As merry as a cricketj฽މҞᆀf                   (216) Children should be seen and not heardj࿁܀ɿࠅ
         (187) Frog in one's throatjΪఓ᎘ʔቇϾᑊࠪᄞਤf                  ޶ၡϾʔࠅ׳΂ʔ၍f
         (188) As cold as a frogjΏиf                         (217) Child's playjՅᏕe࢙׸ٙ؇Гf
         (189) As blind as a beetlejڢ੬ڐൖٙ
         (190) Catch a crabjɓᅿΒɝ˥ʕཀଉd͜ɢʔ຅d˸ߧ
         (191) Trun out (come off) crabsj୞׵̰઻e୭ໝeᕦකf
         (192) As red as a lobsterj( ᑕഃ ) ஷߎٙf
         (193) A fish out of waterjఏɓࡈɛආɝࠤ͛ᐑྤdชՑ
         (194) A loose fishj׳ጺʔᜧٙจܠf

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