Page 15 - The MILConnection: Fall 2021
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employees of the month
August 2021: Glenita (Nita) Mulcahy September 2021: Shaun Henderson
Nita Mulcahy is the HR Business Partner Shaun has excelled in both customer
for MIL’s Federal Civilian Business support and in his duties as division
Unit, primarily within the Washington head within MIL’s Cyber Sector. Shaun
DC metro area. Nita is always available provided exceptional direct support to
to answer employee and leadership Naval Air Traffic Management Systems
questions, and her positive and infectious Program Office (PMA-213) systems
energy is always felt throughout the HR (UPX-29, UPNEXT, SPN-35E, SPN-46,
department. and SYY-1), which reflected well on
Most recently, Nita was key in completing MIL's Affirmative him and represented MIL as a technical leader in the field. As an
Action Plan, a requirement of the federal government. She example, Shaun devised a way to intercept and modify an FAA-
also delivered a well-received training on the plan as it relates approved protocol and developed a defensive solution to protect
to hiring. Nita is a regular contributor to the MIL Manager the customer.
Leadership Line newsletter and never hesitates to help on-board In addition to his technical duties and responsibilities, Shaun also
new team members. Nita is great person to work with as she is dedicated many extended-hour days in support of MIL’s National
very eager to contribute, collaborate, and exchange ideas. Cyber Range Complex proposal in which his efforts were directly
responsible for award. In short, Shaun has distinguished himself
as both a leader and a technical expert and his efforts have helped
to grow his area by nearly 14 people.
MIL has greatly benefited from Shaun’s contributions, and we are
Announcements very grateful to have him as a member of our team.
Brannon Samuel Bristol
Born 8/23/2021 | 7 lbs. 2 oz.
Brannon Samuel Bristol made his arrival one week early on August 23rd at 10:14am. His mother, Esha, is a
project manager on the REPS team supporting the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR). Congrats Esha
and Phil!
Jonathan Joseph Fisher
Born 9/19/2021 | 9 lbs. 3 oz. | 20.5 inches
Jonathan Joseph Fisher was born on Sunday, September 19th at 1:35am to Paul and Sami Fisher. Paul currently
serves as the Triton Team Lead and Senior Network Engineer supporting the Triton ITT at NAVAIR. Best
wishes to the Fisher family!
At last, Mr. & Mrs.!
MIL Marketing and Communications Associate Tharana
Karzai married Abdul Seddiq at Lansdowne Resort and Spa in
Leesburg, Virginia this past summer. The four-day celebration
was originally scheduled for June 2020 but was delayed because
of the COVID-19 pandemic. The bride and groom were joined by
350 of their closest loved ones on July 9th, 2021. They danced and
celebrated until dawn.
Congratulations to the happy couple!
Fall 2021 | The MIL Connection | 15