Page 12 - The MILConnection: Fall 2021
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         MIL was a proud gold sponsor of the Lions Club Annual Golf
         Tournament! Our very own Joe Joseph serves as a Vice President
         for the club and was joined on the course by Jeff Bailey, Vince
         Brown, and Brandon Nardo.

        The journey to Rebecca Helms, PhD

                        On September 26, 2021, Rebecca Helms from   We asked Rebecca what her greatest challenges were with going to
                        the Proposals & Marketing team graduated   school while working full-time, she replied, “Well, one thing that
                        from American College of Education as a   was NOT a challenge was cost…MIL’s educational reimbursement
                        Doctor of Educational & Organizational   program is above par in the industry—they paid 80% of costs
                        Leadership, with honors as a member of   up to $4,000 each year, which was over a third of my total cost.
                        Kappa Delta Pi. Rebecca began the program   It was one of the driving factors which made me realize I’d be
                        in August 2017 and became a doctoral   stupid not to get this degree. The only real challenge was when
                        candidate in 2019 when her research proposal   the COVID-19 quarantine was put into place, I had to revamp
                        was accepted to move forward. She used   my entire study approach. You wouldn’t think that would be very
        a basic qualitative research approach to examine common   cumbersome, but it required an entirely different methodology
        characteristics, habits, and beliefs of successful first-generation   and an entire new set of review board approvals. It added an
        college graduates. First-generation college students experience   entire year to my timeline. But all-in-all it ended up being a much
        a college dropout rate of approximately 50% due to barriers and   stronger study, so I choose to see all the good that came out of
        challenges their counterparts do not experience. When asked   such a dark time in our history.”
        why Rebecca chose this topic, she replied, “Most of the research   Lastly, when asked what was next for her and what was the major
        in the field focused on the demographics of who made up the   takeaway from her degree, she stated, “I hope to use the study
        first-gen college student population—most of which is made   results and degree here at MIL—I love working here. The one
        up of minority, at-risk, single-parent homes or homes where   major takeaway I have is how resilient first-generation college
        English is not the first language. I wanted to find out how the   graduates are and the amount of creativity, grit, and tenacity they
        other half succeeded so we could teach and duplicate those   bring to any goal they set. MIL, being a government contractor,
        characteristics to future first generation students. There’s also an   draws from prior military members as a source of hiring pools,
        enormous opportunity for colleges to support this group once   many of whom are first-generation themselves—I think there’s an
        they arrive in college as well as the opportunity for companies to   opportunity to increase our presence in those individuals’ looking
        create recruiting pipelines based on first-generation status. Many   for their next career. But more than that, if we create the right
        respondents stated they used the same skills they used to succeed   environment to help them succeed and grow and thrive—we have
        in college when they entered the workforce but creating the   the greater opportunity to also be their last career.”
        necessary cultural capital and networking resources remained a
        challenge. Corporations and non-profits in the U.S. could tap into   Rebecca serves as the main point of contact at MIL for all
        that workforce with early mentorship programs and networking   things SharePoint as a Systems Administration Specialist.
        events aimed at attracting over 1.2M first-generation college   Congratulations, Dr. Helms—well done!
        graduates each year.”

                                 Keep in touch!

                                 Be sure to follow MIL on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter!

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