Page 7 - The MILConnection: Fall 2021
P. 7
Company news
Open for business!
We are excited to announce that the new REPS Integration The integration facility will be used to expand REPS’ current
Facility is officially open! After nearly two years of construction footprint in Southern Maryland by 26,000 square feet and has
– starting with an official groundbreaking in November 2019 cemented their long-term presence in the Pax River community.
and concluding in August 2021, the facility is now occupied and The addition of the integration facility will assist with executing
in operation. To celebrate, the REPS sector held an open house the existing work with MIL’s Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft
event on August 19, 2021, to officially debut the new facility in Division’s Webster Outlying Field (NAWCAD WOLF) customers
Lexington Park, MD. MIL founder and CEO Butch Long, MIL within the Integrated C2 and Intelligence Systems Division,
employees and their families, clients, and community members Special Communications Missions Solutions Division, and the
attended the event and were able to tour the facility, enjoy food Ship & Air Integrated Warfare Division, while also providing an
and beverages, and get a glimpse into the current projects the opportunity for growth in supporting additional organizations
REPS sector is supporting. A ribbon cutting ceremony was also within the greater Naval Air Systems Command organization.
conducted and REPS Managing Director and Executive Vice
President, Tom Clark, REPS Deputy Director and Senior Vice If you couldn’t attend the event to see the new facility in person,
President Harvil Jenkins, and REPS Facility Production and please share our excitement by taking a virtual tour of our new
Integration Manager and Assistant Vice President Ricky Chesser facility.
had the honor of cutting the ribbon to officially open the facility.
Fall 2021 | The MIL Connection | 7