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LSM Welcomes Tom Clark to the Class employees of the month
of 2018!
Senior VP and C4IS Sector Lead Tom Clark was recently selected August 2017: Kevin Wainner
to the Leadership Southern Maryland (LSM) Class of 2018. LSM
is a nine-month tuition-based program specifically designed to Kevin Wainner, who joined MIL in Oct.
develop leaders from the Southern Maryland area for regional 2016, serves as a Data Warehouse Tester
collaboration. Celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2018, the LSM on our Department of State (DoS) Global
program is dedicated to building a cadre of informed regional Financial Systems project. Since his
leaders, prepared to address common issues and bring long-term arrival, Kevin has assumed many new
benefit to their neighbors and communities. LSM incorporates responsibilities at DoS, where he applies
a cross-section of the region to include diversity of geographic his expertise and teamwork approach
location, profession, ethnicity, and gender. Selectees live or work to the financial reporting IV&V testing
in Calvert, Charles, and St. Mary’s counties, and represent a broad project.
array of people from the private and public sectors within the
region. After participating in the program, graduate leaders serve Once he began working with us, Kevin
as important ambassadors in efforts to improve and shape the immediately contributed positively to the team. Most notably, his
future of Southern Maryland. vast systems development experience allowed him to become a
leader and mentor to other senior team members. Kevin brings
We are confident that LSM could not have picked a better a dedication to tackling the most complicated testing areas
candidate to serve the interests of the Southern Maryland area and a perseverance to dig deep and deliver results on time and
than Tom, whose leadership abilities and commitment to his local with professional presentation to the client. His work ethic and
community are unsurpassed. collaborative demeanor are contagious among his colleagues, who
often recognize his invaluable role as a team contributor.
Security-Focused Configuration Continually seeking new challenges, Kevin has quickly become a
key team member. His dedication to excellence and consistent,
Management (SecCM) high-quality performance truly represent the best of the MIL.
Congrats, Kevin!
Congratulations to Mr. Steve Tippett of the C4IS Sector for to Microsoft Identity Manager, the implementation of HSPD-12
recently completing his Security-Focused Configuration compliance, and the development of a self-service password reset
Management (SecCM) Certification provided through the solution. On top of all this, Patrick jumps-in icto help resolve any
Configuration Management Process Improvement Center unexpected problems on the ITA network without hesitation.
(CMPIC), adding to his existing CM Master and CM Subject In addition to his duties at ITA, Patrick has been working at the
Matter Expert (SME) Certifications. The Security-Focused Small Business Administration where he is helping to roll-out
Configuration Management of Information Systems: Principles OneDrive and other advanced features of Office 365, while also
and Applications course and the associated certification aiding in the redesign of their Active Directory.
examination were completed during August 30 – September 1,
2017 at the CM Trends 2017 Seminar, Workshops and Training Patrick is an essential member of IT Sector, and we at MIL are
Conference sponsored by CMPIC in Orlando, FL. SecCM is used fortunate and grateful to have him on our team. Congrats, Patrick!
to integrate IT business processes with security-focused practices
as a tool for the management and control of the configuration
of information systems to enable security and facilitate the
management of information security risks. The SecCM training September 2017: Sheena Kennedy
and certification addressed the requirements established by the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Special Sheena Kennedy, who joined MIL 3
Publication 800-53 “Security and Privacy Controls for Federal years ago, serves as a Business Analyst
Information Systems and Organizations” and Special Publication for MIL and our Department of State
800-128 “Guide for Security-Focused Configuration Management [DoS] client. She displays initiative,
of Information Systems.” leadership, dedication, and an
unwavering commitment to continuous
improvement. Since starting with MIL,
Sheena has spearheaded the analysis
and development of an easy to use
management dashboard that provides
critical insight to financial trends. Sheena has self-taught her way
to understanding the Tableau Software Product, and maximizes
its features to improve her work with the DoS.
10 | The mil connection | Fall 2017