Page 9 - MILConnection_Fall2017
P. 9

Although a juggler may be proficient and esteemed for skillfully juggling only three balls, he/she will
                                never reach full potential by remaining in this comfort zone. True progression requires sacrifice as well
                                as a determination to overcome obstacles and achieve goals. Fortunately, the MIL culture encourages
                                progression and innovative thinking to help clients reach goals and obtain effective operations.

                                Additionally, MIL encourages employee development and acceptance of new challenges.  MIL
                                management was a key supporter of my decision to take on the role as president of the AGA Charleston
                                chapter. At the PDT in Boston, I officially achieved one of the primary goals I set for myself and our
                                chapter at the beginning of my presidency. I received the Platinum Chapter Award, which recognizes the
                                successful 2016-17 chapter program year that I led. I am appreciative of the unwavering encouragement
                                and support from MIL management in achieving this goal. Furthermore, the Charleston MIL culture of
                                professionalism, intelligence, and appreciation for effective work inspires me to continuously strive to
                                “juggle” new responsibilities, undertake challenges, and establish ambitious goals.
        As a final point of the “Off Balance on Purpose” session, Mr. Thurmon expressed that remaining idle is an illusion of productivity.
        To visualize, he confidently positioned himself up onto a unicycle in the middle of the session audience. He noted that although he
        can pedal hastily, he will remain idle unless he leans forward on the unicycle to start moving. This can be frightening because of the
        sensation of falling forward and crashing. However, this is the only method to move forward. I find that MIL provides the “you have
        what it takes” enthusiasm that helps move ambitious professionals forward in their careers. Moreover, the MIL leadership structure
        provides continuous access to senior colleagues who serve as mentors, which can reduce the fear and intimidation that we all feel
        occasionally during the journey of advancing in our careers.
        We, the MIL Charleston team, should be proud to exemplify the determination and confidence to embody this “Off Balance on
        Purpose” approach. I believe this is a key factor in MIL’s client satisfaction, as well as our exceptional employee gratification, evidenced
        by MIL’s placement on “The South Carolina Top Workplaces” publication.


        Toasting C4IS team success!                            Mr. Stiefvater’s letter goes on to state: “We truly appreciate the
                                                               team’s extraordinary efforts and recognize the valuable role
        Tom Clark and the C4IS Sector recently held a happy hour as   and significant contributions made by each member.” Before
        a way to recognize several of its outstanding employees and   ending with: “The SATCOM members bring great credit to
        to acknowledge a job well-done for MIL’s Special Operations   your organization and they have significantly contributed to
        Command (SOC) project. MIL recently received a glowing letter   the enhanced visibility of the NAWCAD team. Thanks for a job
        of appreciation from one of our NAVAIR customers for work on   well done and we look forward to collaborating on additional
        the SOC engagement. In the letter, NAWCAD 4.11.4 Division   installations for United States Special Operations Command.”
        Director, James Stiefvater, extends his “sincere appreciation to the   During the celebratory gathering, Tom also recognized the service
        following Satellite Communication (SATCOM) team members   and contributions of several other C4IS members, including
        for their outstanding efforts in support of the Special Operations   Charles Cole (Employee of the Month for July); Ricky Chesser
        Command Europe (SOCEUR) IPN-M Non-classified Internet   (Awesome Employee of the Moment Award); and Patrick O’Rear
        Protocol Router Network (NIPRNet) Installations: Mr. Edward   (MILTON Achievement award).
        Christian; Mr. Jeffery Greene; Mrs. Lindsay Frazier; Mr. Lance
        Hood, Sr.; Mr. Damian Johnston; Mr. Joshua Pierce; Mr. Garrett   Congratulations to the members of the SATCOM team for their
        Smith; Mr. Peter Thistle; and former engineer Mr. Courtney   exceptional performance and commitment to both MIL and our
        Washington, as well as AV3 Corporation team members: Mr.   NAVAIR customers!
        Brandon Gatton and Mr. Vincent Cucinotta.”

        NAWCAD 4.11.4 Division Director, James Stiefvater, and MIL Senior   The SATCOM Team: Edward Christian; Jeffery Greene; Lindsay Frazier;
        VP Tom Clark                                           Lance Hood, Sr.; Damian Johnston; Joshua Pierce; Garrett Smith; Peter
                                                                        fall 2017  | The MIL Connection | 9
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