Page 4 - MILConnection_Fall2017
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Flu shots now covered at                              As a result of Mr. Long’s early decision to forge a business that
                                                               made a real difference in helping its customers manage their
         participating pharmacies                              business interests, MIL has enjoyed stratospheric growth. But we
                                                               know strategic vision alone does not make a successful company,
         We are pleased to announce all MIL employees and their   so I thank each of you for your dedication in putting plans into
         dependents who are enrolled in the Coresource medical plan   action and delivering on our promises.
         may now get your flu shot at participating pharmacies at no cost.   The winner of the award will be named at a gala dinner, held on
         You may also continue to get your flu shot at your primary care   November 1 at the Ritz Carlton in Tysons Corner. Please join me
         physician’s office as this program is made available as an added   in sending best wishes and good luck to Mr. Long!
         convenience to you. The following flu shots will be covered:
           » INJECTABLE SEASONAL INFLUENZA VACCINE (QUADRIVALENT)  Patuxent Partnership’s Warfighter

           » INTRADERMAL INFLUENZA VACCINE QUADRIVALENT (SHORT NEEDLE) AND FLUBLOK  On June 28th, MIL participated in The Patuxent Partnership’s
           » INJECTABLE SEASONAL INFLUENZA – VACCINE HIGH-DOSE (FLUZONE)  Warfighter Innovation Forum. Members of MIL’s Cybersecurity
         This program is available through April 30, 2018. For more   Sector were on hand at the Holiday Inn Solomons Conference
         information and for a list of participating pharmacies, contact   Center to demonstrate the use of the WiFi Pineapple and HackRF
         Coresource at 1-866-893-4472                          One (software defined radio). The forum was an all-day event that
                                                               focused on products and technologies with applicable use for the
                                                               warfighter. The program featured several keynote speakers and
        company news                                           experienced panelists, as well as several technology exhibitors.
                                                               The featured keynote speakers were Dr. David E. Walker, Director
                                                               of Technology, Office of Naval Research, and Dr. Robert Caret,
                                                               Chancellor, University System of Maryland.
        MIL President & CEO, Maurice I. Long,

        Jr. nominated for GovCon

        Executive of the Year!

                                    The Northern Virginia
                                    Chamber of Commerce and
                                    Professional Services Council
                                    have announced the finalists
                                    for the 15th Annual Greater
                                    Washington Government
                                    Contractor Awards, the
                                    premier awards event for the
        Washington area government contracting community. Chosen as   MIL’s Rick Miller discussed our cyber offering with an attendee.
        one of seven nominees out of hundreds of applicants, Mr. Long’s
        distinguished leadership record and commitment to community
        service places him amongst the top ranks of the government
        contracting industry’s most prestigious professionals.
         Over the years, Mr. Long’s strategic decisions shaped MIL into
        the formidable company it is today. While just a fledgling business
        in the 1980’s, Mr. Long’s focus was making the company’s name
        known, building a reputation for good work, and staying solvent.
        Once MIL was firmly established, his focus shifted to defining
        the company’s areas of general practice. Using professional
        connections built over the years at the Departments of Defense
        and State, Mr. Long, bolstered by the MIL team, went about the
        business of forging solid working partnerships with clients that
        would last for decades. Long-term customer relationships are now
        a hallmark of MIL’s corporate experience.

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