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contract wins

        Check out the expansion of our                         Celebrating USDA Financial

        MIL blog: Cloud Feed!                                  Management Services win

        MIL is pleased to announce our new Cloud Feed blog. Corporate   MIL was part of the winning Savantage team recently awarded
        blogs are beneficial both to internal and external readers. They   a $500M multi-award BPA contract with the U.S. Department
        boost search engine optimization, develop relationships with   of Agriculture (USDA). Under this contract, we will support
        potential and existing clients, and help to both establish and   the government’s efforts to achieve program management,
        reinforce MIL as an industry leader in our services.   implementation, integration, migration, and deployment
        Specifically, the new Cloud Feed blog provides insight into our IT   objectives for the USDA Financial Management Services Line of
        services, Sales Force team, and all Cloud related industry news.   Business.
        The blog allows MIL employees to view all upcoming events and   As one of seven awardees (chosen from a pool of 17 highly
        accomplishments for the IT and Salesforce teams.       competitive participants), the Savantage/MIL team will work on
        Congratulations to the Cloud Feed team!                several lines of business, including:
                                                                  » FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES
                                                                  » EXTERNAL SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT (SPECIALIZING IN AGILE DEVELOPMENT)
        Welcome to ETS                                            » PERSONNEL AND PAY
                                                               Ultimately, these tasks hold our team responsible for providing
        MIL’s Engineering and Technical Services Sector welcomed   financial and administrative services, ensuring the USDA
        several new staff members in recent months. Please join us in   and other agencies are equipped with modern, core financial
        greeting our newest hires!                             management and administrative systems. Additionally, our
        Mary Beth Merckson and Brandy Wooten were brought on   work will guarantee that USDA is in compliance with federal
        board to support NAVAIR’s Central Travel Agency (CTA) at the   accounting and systems standards, has a sharp focus on customer
        Patuxent River (PAX) Naval Air Station. The CTA project also   service, and are fully supported in their mission.
        welcomed back Stephanie Millsaps who returned to the MIL   A huge congrats to our hard-working team who made this win
        Help Desk team. Members of the CTA team are responsible for   possible. Our staff for this contract are among the most highly
        providing application support to the users of the Defense Travel   qualified in their profession and we look forward to providing
        System. This includes travel administration support, walking   excellent and innovative service to USDA moving forward!
        users through document processing steps, providing basic
        assistance and guidance related to business rules, and Joint Travel
        Regulations compliance issues. Welcome to the team!!   On the winning IOCS team
        Helena Pogue and Andrew Roth are the first two hires for MIL’s   Congratulations are in order to the C4IS Sector on their
        recently awarded FAM/RLIST subcontract. Helena serves as a   recent Intelligence Operations and Communications Systems
        management analyst and Andrew as systems administrator. We   (IOCS) Support Services win! As part of the winning FGS LLC
        are pleased to welcome them to the MIL family.         solution, MIL has expanded its reach into the Naval Air Warfare
        And lastly, the following new hires are providing support to the   Center Aircraft Division with a new requirement for project
        RDT&E contract at PAX River:                           management and organizational and acquisition engineering
                                                               support services in support of U.S Central Command and the
        •  Michael Nicholson is supporting MQ-25               Joint Intelligence Command Center. The IOCS contract is a new
        •  Robin Malley supports the Joint Mission Testing Capability   requirement worth an estimated $127M over five years. Awarded
          Center                                               on August 17, 2017, the IOCS project will be used to provide
                                                               research, planning, design, engineering, prototype development,
        •  Kara Holtzman and Heather Wicks have both joined the   software development, integration, testing, installation, and
          Triton program                                       technology solutions for efforts identified by NAVAIR’s Special
        •  Eric Arcadia, Monica Baxter, Domenic Cristaudo, and   Communications Research Division to support the Navy, Marine
          Cid Shul were onboarded to support multiple programs and   Corps, Coast Guard, Department of Defense, and other federal,
          projects for the Air Interoperability Center         allied, coalition, and other sponsors’ IOC requirements within or
        Please join us in extending a warm welcome to one and all!!    outside the US.

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