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from the service center
Having trouble resetting your MILtranet account?
MILtranet is the place to visit to access employee resources, benefit information, training information, and more. We recommend that
you sign into MILtranet (and your MIL email) a few times weekly to stay up-to-date on corporate news and information. Signing into
MILtranet is simple! Note that you will need access to your MIL email account to access MILtranet for the first time and to reset your
password. If you do not have access to your MIL email, please contact
MILtranet tips, guidelines, and FAQs
» All new MIL employees receive an account set- » If you have selected the “lost password” option and do
up email directly from WordPress. This email, not receive an email within 15 minutes, please DO NOT
sent to your MIL email address, contains a link attempt to reset your account again. First check all spam/
to MILtranet and a temporary password. The junk folders. If the reset email is not there, proceed to your
password is unique to each user and must be FuseMail. If you see the reset email in FuseMail, mark
changed during your first login. WordPress as “not spam” and then release the email into
» Can’t find your initial account set-up email? your inbox.
Forgot your password? If so, visit www.milcorp. » For more information on FuseMail or how to unblock
com/miltranet/ and select “lost password.” Type in emails from your FuseMail and account, please read
your MIL email address and then select “get new through this useful guide.
password.” Then, check your email for the link to » If you are still unable to access MILtranet, please contact
reset your password. and we will be happy to assist.
» Please keep in mind that MILtranet accounts are
unlocked using your MIL email only. Personal or
government email is not accepted.
MIL is a Certified Great Place to Work! face a unique challenge for creating community as a government
contractor. Additionally, 92% of you feel that “Our facilities
Recently, many of you completed the Great contribute to a good working environment,” and 92% of our team
Place to Work Survey and we want to thank members are experiencing a high-trust culture and are invested
you for taking the time to tell us about in MIL as an organization. Your responses indicated that people
your experiences while working at MIL. are willing to go the extra mile to get the job done here. Creating
We are proud to announce we have again positive work environments both physically and philosophically
been certified as a Great Place to Work! are of the utmost importance – seeing these goals gain positive
Understanding the survey results will traction is simply outstanding.
help MIL tell our story to clients, industry Some additional strengths include:
members, and prospective employees alike.
» People are encouraged to balance their work-life and
We want you to know that we are their personal life (93%)
committed to providing an inclusive and
supportive workplace to our entire team » I am offered training or development to further
and we are thrilled that many of you are pleased with your work- myself professionally (91%)
life here at MIL. These results will help us to continue to cultivate » Management trusts people to do a good job without
a positive work environment for you and MIL team members to watching over their shoulders (95%)
come. Each of your survey responses are considered to develop and
One result that really struck a chord was that 93% of you report improve upon MIL policies, programs, workplace culture, and
that, “When you join the company, you are made to feel welcome.” day-to-day operations as we continue to foster MIL as a Great
We have been working hard at revamping our onboarding Place to Work. Thank you for your hard work, dedication, and
process and binding ties across geographical boundaries, as we willingness to share your experiences.
FALL 2019 | The MIL Connection | 3