Page 11 - MILConnection_Summer 2019
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        We are more than halfway through the training year. Have you
        checked out MILTON’s new learning platform, Percipio, yet? We   For more information, please visit:
        now offer practice labs, books, book summaries, and audiobooks.
        Please take a look at this video which details all the wonderful
        qualities of Percipio:
        A Day in the Life of a User with Percipio              After logging in, please click
                                                               on MILTON Online Training
        Looking for suggestions for business courses? Hiede Abelli, SVP   at the top of the page.
        at Skillsoft, considers the courses below to be the 10 essential
        business courses all employees should take. She believes they   For further questions, please
        best help employees address the business needs of the modern   contact Colleen O’Connor at
        organization operating in the digital economy and each course
        takes less than 25 minutes!

       10 essential business courses

        1.  Defining Alternative Solutions to a Problem              6.  Building Innovation Cultures and Leaders
        2.  Managing Motivation During Organizational Change         7.  Developing a Growth Mind-Set
        3.  Your Role in Workplace Diversity                         8.  Developing Your Business Acumen
        4.  Developing a Personal Accountability Framework           9.  Influence Others with Political Savvy
        5.  Encouraging Team Communication and Collaboration         10. Forging Ahead with Perseverance and Resilience

        Milton's new Percipio platform offers:

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