Page 9 - MILConnection_Summer 2019
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employees of the month
        April 2019: Scott Xavier

                           Scott is quickly becoming an integral
                           business sector. In the past couple of years,  June 2019: Tibeb Eshetu
                           part of the MIL family within the ETS
                           Scott has taken on many challenging                    Tibeb has become an integral member of
                           high-stakes projects. These projects are               the Reconciliation Team for Diplomatic
                           directly related to supporting the current             Security (DS) at Department of State as
                           RDT&E customer in a fast-paced and                     a Team Lead for both the Invoicing and
                           agile environment. On top of these daily               Reimbursement team. As Team Lead
        responsibilities, Scott is always thinking of ways to improve the         for the Invoice Team, Tibeb provides
        current work environment, employee morale, and support of the             knowledge and expertise to ensure
        customers.                                                                invoices are paid in a timely manner to
                                                               mitigate the amount of interest expense incurred by DS. As team
        May 2019: Waseem Riyaz                                 lead for Reimbursements, Tibeb ensures reimbursable agreements
                                                               are fully executed, and that funds are collected and allocated in a
                           As the lead SharePoint engineer on MIL’s   timely manner. In addition to providing guidance as a team lead,
                           Office 365 platform team supporting the   Tibeb is a hands-on contributor to each team and performs the
                           International Trade Administration (ITA),   daily tasks of each position. Tibeb is always thinking and looking
                           Waseem Riyaz has done an outstanding   for ways to improve the current process to ensure the client
                           job managing tasks across multiple   receives the highest level of support. She has been a great mentor
                           developmental projects. An ITA customer   to others on the team while providing excellent support and
                           favorite, Waseem is regularly consulted for   quality to the client.
                           his technical knowledge and is a trusted
        source for SharePoint best practices. Waseem is also known for his
        friendly nature, patience, and willingness to help colleagues and            announcements
        clients alike. Despite his busy workload, Waseem responds quickly
        to user needs and thoroughly resolves issues; on several occasions,
        the ITA CIO has even singled him out during ‘all-hands’ meetings
        to convey customer praise.
        among the first to research and implement new features as they  Abigail Maria Fisher
        Waseem is an avid adopter of new technologies and is usually
        are introduced. For example, Waseem recently and successfully
        led the project to modernize the Petition Counseling System,
        a key ITA application, by using the latest Microsoft “Power                  Born 03/30/2019 | 9 lbs. 3 oz.
        Platform.” He was instrumental in establishing new techniques                On March 30th, 2019 at 7:44 PM, Paul Fisher
        to rapidly build custom forms and generate sophisticated reports             and his wife Samantha welcomed their
        and data visualizations. In the client’s words, they were “blown             beautiful baby girl, Abigail Maria. Abigail was
        away” by the new system.                                                     9 pounds, 3 oz., and 20.5 inches long. Paul is
        For these reasons, and many others, we would like to recognize               the team lead for Triton. Proud siblings are
        Waseem Riyaz as MIL’s Employee of the Month. He is incredibly                Trinity, Asher, Sebastian, Xavier, and Isabel.
        deserving of this award and should be commended for all of his
                                                               Jaxton Bishop Conner

      Upcoming Events                                                                Born 06/06/2019 | 6 lbs. 13 oz.

                                                                                     On June 6th, 2019 at 1:27 AM, Holly Conner
      AGA PDT                                                                        and her husband Bill welcomed their
      July 21, 2019 | New Orleans, LA                                                handsome baby boy, Jaxton Bishop. Jaxton
                                                                                     was 6 pounds, 13 oz., and 19.75 inches
      Ft. Gordon Hiring Fair                                                         long. Holly supports RDT&E as a Systems
      August 19, 2019 | Ft. Gordon, Georgia                                          Administrator. Proud siblings are August and
      MIL Awards Celebration & Crab Feast - DC/MD/VA
      September 8, 2019 | Mayo Beach Park, Edgewater, MD
                                                                   summer 2019  | The MIL Connection | 9
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