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Let’s get REAL!
Did you know that by 1 October 2020 all U.S. States and
Territories will need to be in full compliance with the
Congressional Real ID Act, which sets minimum security Enforcement phases
standards for state-issued driver’s licenses and identification
So, what IS the REAL ID Act? The following enforcement measures are cumulative,
with measures in each phase remaining in effect through
According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), successive phases. Each phase will begin with a 3-month
the REAL ID Act “establishes minimum security standards for period where agencies will provide notice to individuals
license issuance and production and prohibits federal agencies attempting to use driver’s licenses or identification cards
from accepting for certain purposes driver’s licenses and from noncompliant states but still allow access. After
identification cards from states not meeting the Act’s minimum this period is over, agencies will no longer accept such
standards. The purposes covered by the Act are: accessing federal identification for entry to federal facilities, and individuals
facilities, entering nuclear power plants, and, boarding federally will need to follow the agency’s alternate procedures (to be
regulated commercial aircraft.” made available by the agency).
Currently, all but four U.S. states (excepting New Jersey, Oregon, » Phase 1: Restricted areas (i.e., areas accessible by agency
Oklahoma, and Kentucky) are already compliant with the REAL personnel, contractors, and their guests) for DHS’s
ID Act, and will require their citizens be compliant by the Nebraska Avenue Complex (NAC) headquarters
approaching federal deadline.
» Phase 2: Restricted areas for all federal facilities and
Following the 9/11 Commission’s recommendation that the nuclear power plants
federal government “set standards for the issuance of sources
of identification, such as driver's licenses,” Congress passed » Phase 3: Semi-restricted areas (i.e., areas available to the
the REAL ID Act in 2005 as a means of combating airline general public but subject to ID-based access control)
terrorism by tightening passenger access to domestic planes. for most federal facilities (subject to limitations). Access
In the subsequent 15 years, the federal and state governments to federal facilities will continue to be allowed for
have pursued a phased enforcement schedule and regulatory purposes of applying for or receiving federal benefits
timeframes for full state compliance. » Phase 4: Boarding federally regulated commercial aircraft
To the right, please find a description and schedule of
enforcement phases from DHS.
Additionally, for MIL workers residing in Maryland, it is important to know that beginning 12 June 2019, license “recall” notices will
begin being issued to Maryland license holder’s not currently REAL ID compliant. To avoid a recall of your Maryland driver’s license or
identification card, visit the REAL ID document guide at for guidance on collecting your required REAL
ID documentation, and make an appointment at an MDOT MVA branch as soon as possible. This is especially important for employees
traveling for work by domestic air carrier.
MIL employees living in Virginia, South Carolina, the District of Columbia, and elsewhere should contact their cognizant Department
of Motor Vehicles or comparable agency for your REAL ID requirements and compliance timeline.
For more information on REAL ID documentation requirements nationwide, visit:
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10 | The mil connection | summer 2019