Page 3 - MILConnection_Summer_2020
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from the service center
Return to work action plan
MIL’s priority is to keep our employees and their families healthy. Many of you will eventually
return to customer sites as directed by the government; however, due to the evolving nature of the
COVID-19 pandemic, creating an exact timeline for resuming “normal” operations is not currently
feasible. Please continue to follow the direction of your supervisor as each location may issue
differing guidelines.
Although most corporate employees have been situationally teleworking, MIL’s corporate offices remain open. MIL is developing a
return to work action plan based on guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration to outline keeping our teams safe to every extent possible.
We understand that every employee’s situation is different and encourage those with specific health concerns to contact their manager
or HR to discuss the possibility of alternate work arrangements. We abide by governmental guidelines when possible as we strive to
balance public health concerns with the needs of our business.
Self-care isn't selfish Types of self-care
During these challenging and changing times, MIL wants to » Making healthier eating choices (e.g., mindful eating,
make sure you and your family members are remembering to improving nutrition)
show yourself kindness and care. Over the past few months,
the term “self-care” has been shared on the news and on social » Making time for fitness (e.g., walking, swimming, biking,
media, but what does it really mean? Self-care is exactly as it sports)
sounds…a deliberate, self-initiated, mindful action to take care » Practicing rest & relaxation (e.g., mediation, yoga, spa
of your mental, emotional, and physical health. Unique to every treatments, beauty rituals)
individual, it is important to understand that self-care is not » Managing stress by doing things that you might find calming
selfish. Don’t feel guilty about focusing on your own health or and peaceful:
putting others on pause. Understand that by staying healthy, you
will have a more positive impact on your family, career and total » Get outside and enjoy nature; travel reasonably & safely
wellness. » Enjoy time with your pet(s)
To be ‘kind’ to yourself may sound like something obvious, » Listen to or create music
however, it is often overlooked. Experts say that the impact of
ongoing self-care is important to our overall health and should » Read a book and/or start a journal
consist of a plan to practice good: Nutrition, Sleep, Fitness, and » Learn a new instrument, language, or art form
Stress Management. » Tackle home improvement projects (e.g., gardening,
Practicing self-care doesn’t have to be a time-consuming chore; painting)
finding the approach that works best for you is important. The » Organize your home/office/finances, etc.
good news is there are lots of resources out there to assist you
with a plan for self-care, including our own Employee Assistance » Explore cooking and/or baking
Program (EAP).
Summer 2020 | The MIL Connection | 3