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Journal of Biotechnology in Livestock Production

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              Fitz-Rodriguez, G., M.A. Santiago-Miramontes (De), R.J. Scaramuzzi, B.Malpauxand J.A. Delgadillo.
                     2009. Nutritional supplementation improves ovulation and pregnancy rates in female goats

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              Holtz, W. H., H. Sohnrey, M. Gerland and M. A. Driancourt. 2 0 0 8 . Ovsynch synchronization and
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              Houdeau, E., V. Furstoss,Y. Forgerit, J.L.Bonneand B. Leboeuf. 2008. Short-duration insemination

                     with frozen semen increases fertility in nulliparous dairy goats. Animal. 2 (10): 1496-1500.

              Loskutoff,  N.M.,  J.  Rohr,  R.B.  Lomneth,  D.G.Woodand E.  Crichton.  2 0 1 0 .   Semen  extender

                     composition and methods for manufacturing and using. United States Patent. Patent No.:

                     US 7,674,576 B2. Date of Patent: March 9, 2010. Page 14.

              Rota, A., B. Strom,CLinde-Forsberg and H. Rodriquez-Martinez. 1997. Effects of Equex STM paste

                     in  viability  of  frozen-thawed  dog  spermatozoa  during  in  vitro  incubation  at  3 8 oC.

                     Theriogenology. 47: 1093-1101.
              Underwood, SL., R. Bathgate,W.M.C. Maxwell and G. Evans.2009. Development of procedures for

                     sex-sorting frozen–thawed bovine spermatozoa. Reproductive Domestic Animal. 44: 460-


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